The larcenous nature of death, its habit of breaking in on us when we are least prepared and stealing the irreplaceable, has seldom been more painfully experienced than on the roads and boithríns around West Kerry last night.
HUGH MCILVANEY ON JOCK STEIN (1985) – collected in ‘McIlvaney on Football’
The larcenous nature of death, its habit of breaking in on us when we are least prepared and stealing the irreplaceable, has seldom been more sickeningly experienced than at Ninian Park in Cardiff on Tuesday night.
It is easy to see how our great little country went down the pan when people see 100% evidence before their eyes but are most interested in working an angle to turn it back on the messenger. Never overestimate people, isn’t that what they say…
Never had a bit to do with Mr Leen. McIlvaney is still alive as far as I’m aware.
I don’t find it at all strange that somebody would raise this if they happened upon it. I was merely flattered that you chose TFK to do so and wondered why as we’re not one of the biggest and most widely followed boards.