Colds and Flus

Feed a cold, starve a flu.

Snort a lemsip.

3 :lemon: s,half a squeezy of honey, boiled water,sugar- down the neck, repeat next 3 days

Honey, lemon,
Cinnamon in boiled water.

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would you not throw a shot of Jameson into it?

2 large hot whiskeys with cloves and honey. Heavy on the whiskey and go to bed.
If not vastly improved tomorrow continue medicating (see above). Youā€™ll be fine Sunday.


Thanks for the advice boxy.

I wouldnā€™t see you wrong kid. Itā€™s kill or be killed with a dose like that.

:thinking:Forgot,I donā€™t drink,it worked for me last week

Getting fancy,:+1: :lemon: is the man

Getting the flu vaccine tomorrow


And a hape of likes

I got it about a fortnight ago. All good, but by Christ I watched her absolutely stab Nanny with the needle and says to myself fuck that lark. By the time I had the sleeve rowled up sufficiently she had taken aim and bogged the needle into me. Funnily, I barely felt it at all after being highly dubious.

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So basically you didnā€™t want it but it was free so you couldnā€™t go past it

Why wouldnā€™t I want it you gobshite? Iā€™ve been getting it for years and have avoided the flu thus far.
Of course itā€™s free to folk of my age. In saying that Iā€™ve more than 40 years of income tax and PRSI contributions clocked up so Iā€™m merely reaping a little of what Iā€™ve ploughed and sown.
My late uncle put down 40 years drawing assorted pensions and I intend to die trying to do the same.


The most surprising thing there is that you were paying tax


Theyā€™ll have you back doing a fas course within 3 years!!

Long Flu is the next thing to keep an eye on.

Not in the biblical sense obviously or flu would be the least of your worries

Well (coughs) letā€™s call it most of the time. It reads better than some of the time.
Point well made however. Fuckerā€¦ā€¦ :wink: :rofl: