Colm Cooper

You’re giving a chasing to a very sick man today Kev, I’d say his blood pressure is through the roof more than usual, just be careful

He is noticably walking himself into trouble today alright.

Easier than usual

What am I meant to have claimed I did that you’re alluding to?

Very out of context post from you. Did you fry your brain with drugs when you were younger?

Further deflection and playong the man and not the ball.

You are not worthy even of my disdain anymore

I asked a question in relation to a bizarre post you made that had no connection to the discussion. It’s you who is deflecting and with good reason to.

Who said it was ok for this scrawny rat bastard to profit from thee gaa? Who gave him allowance to profit?? Why was he allowed get away with this? To me this daylight in your face act of robbery is the greatest scandal to ever to come out of the gaa. This even beats the barricades going up on Hill16. This is water under the bridge now but I am so outraged by it I felt it needed revisiting. The slithery little cunt.


Top post. Posts like this are why we need TFK.
How do you imagine @grapes ‘s life to be like? Would he be good craic if you met him on the random some night outside The Quays?
Fuck Cooper anyway.

Gooch went missing with regularity against Ulster sides.

Jesus Christ in heaven.

You post here you open yourself up to examination.

Where did you come out of you fucking lunatic?

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Monaghan / Tehran.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a question for a question. How are you spending your bank holiday Monday that you were compelled to make a post about Gooch being a scrawny rat bastard for what he did 8 months ago?


Have you been seeking every day for the past 8 months or just today.

I noticed Colm is getting a bit pudgy

Anyway I am warming to him. He could have been a right cunt about dealing with Brolly yet they seem to get on fine.

He is not about raid to criticise Kerry (which publically/nationally is not the done thing and I think he has very astute insight to the game. He warned O’Rourke to not write off Tyrone and mentioned their subs being influential.

I think he will be very good in years to cone

For your own depraved reasons you seem to have taken a strange tangent here Tank. It was your own giddiness that initially led you to expose yourself here. I hope you’ll be able to get over the embarrassment but I’m not too sure you will. Best of luck to you.