Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

You’re just a lonely little stoner who can barely tie his own shoe laces.

Chris Andrews?

He was a FF member at the time.

SF took on the weirdo oddball and put him up as a candidate. Clearly SF tolerate this type of behaviour.

Funny crusade for you to go on when the party you support actually took on a weird online abuse fake profile oddball psycho and put him up as their representative and candidate.

This is actually too good :rofl:

And bullied a hell of a lot of their own Councillors out of the party.

Same party have no issue running with different policies up north but play the media game down south at a different angle.

There are some great people in the party but like them all there are some serious cunts within & supporting them too.

He was a FF member when it happened and it was of an internal nature within FF.

Clearly this is the type of culture that exists in FFG.

We’ve seen the Eoghan Harris thing lately, we know his links to your buddy Micheal Martin and FF. And now we have a lot of anonymous FG troll accounts being outed. Seems like there is quite an orchestrated campaign from FFG against SF and they chose to use anonymous Twitter accounts to run it but it’s all coming out now.

It’s funny that guys like Tim who defend Philip Ryan to the hilt are so badly rattled by Paddy Cosgrave - both have fairly transparent agendas but Tim would like us to believe Philip Ryan doesn’t.

Sinn FĂ©in hired made a decision that the most high profile person caught out doing this was a good person to represent them.

Clearly this is behaviour that SF condone.

If it’s problematic behaviour as you contend then the most high profile instance of it represents SF.

You really should have thought of this before you went down this road you daft eejit :joy:

You’re doing a lot of deflecting again.

Seeing as you’re trying to spin away. I’ll remind the forum of you defending your beloved Michael Martin of accepting bribes from property developers.

Your problem is that you’re so insincere and it’s so easy to show you up for the shallow little weasel you are.

No, I engaged you on the exact point you were trying to make. Which political party condones anonymous abuse from oddball weirdos?


FF and FG clearly.

I just wanted to point out that for the sake of transparency you are a great admirer of the FF leader, so much so that you went to great lengths to defend his corrupt practices.

It’s incumbent on you to prove that.

All we have here is your cheerleading doxxing. Yet another example of you forgetting your sworn principles.

What we’ve established is that you are a master in hypocrisy and faux outrage.

We’ll just note that the next time you chose to be outraged, you’re not being sincere, you’re merely pedaling a political agenda.

The irony :joy:


I know you are but what am I stuff here. Sad.

You are quite the hypocrite Tim.



Good point.

Well argued.

Give @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy a break lads.

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Truth hurts?