Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

Whats the odds paddy will be section next year?

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No doubt the FG gene pool will react ever more hysterically on here.

he is running on a high octane, sad to witness.

As long as he has enablers cheering him on he’ll continue with this.

It’s going to bite back badly though.

God bless the stupid cunt

It amazes me how it’s the absolute freaks of society like The Village Idiot who Paddy has on strings.

What is it about criticising FFG and their media chums that drives people mental?

starting to think you are Paddy

Why does he trigger idiots like you so badly?

jaysus you are lacking

I notice you can’t articulate why he sends you into a frenzy.

Must be embarrassing for you so.

only lad in a frenzy is Fulvio, clear to anyone that peruses TFK
have you ever considered cutting back on your coffee intake or are you just a faulty hair trigger nordie?

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Well that’s a lie. You’re on this thread losing your shit over him.

You can’t answer why you’re on this thread losing your shit over him, all you can do is make denials that a blind man can see is wrong.

If Paddy Cosgrave didn’t trigger then you and The Village Idiot wouldn’t be on this thread having a conniption every time a new post arrives. It’s an obsessions you have.

And here comes another Paddy Cosgrave obsessee.

You FGbots really don’t hide rancour well.

I see he’s going after another fella today. I know who that person is and Paddy’s posting is way off on his identity but he has tied some politicians to it so the band of Doxxing loving oddballs give him clicks.

So you actually know who the identities of abusive FG Twitter trolls?

Oh dear.

It seems like you’re talking out your arse Tim.

How do you know it’s not the guy Paddy Cosgrave thinks it is when:

a) Paddy hasn’t said who it is
b) You haven’t said how you know it is not him

Seems like it’s more oddball bullshit from Tim that’s defending the toxic culture within FG.

There seems to be a very orchestrated campaign from within FG to use abusive anonymous trolls to infest Twitter.

Chilling as one might say.

It’s not a big deal to me. I saw the fellas handle and knew straight away.

You seem very exercised here in wanting the Doxxing to continue. Do you think Paddy will give you a pat on the head? Maybe yourself and Sid can form a team and give up some bodies together? You are both on the same level after all.

It seems to be a big deal to you.

If it wasn’t a big deal you wouldn’t be here.

It was a big deal enough for you to make a clearly unqualifiable claim:

Care to address the above. Seeing as it was a big enough of a deal for you to come in here and defend the FG brand once again when the circles are closing in on their abusive Twitterbots?

I’ve never doxxed anyone in my life. But it is funny how Paddy Cosgrave gets the FG trolls so wound up.

Writing multiple paragraphs again on Doxxing. You seem very similar to Sid alright. Shame really that you’d destroy your e-credibility and integrity over this.


chill bro

You’re in this thread because Paddy Cosgrave has you on strings.

Paddy Cosgrave could well be all the things you say he is but I find it hilarious how it’s a certain demograph he drives absolutely mental.

The FG troll brigade seem to dance to Paddy’s tune, that’s what you’re doing now.


Sad to witness you losing your shit over a guy you pretend not to be worried about.

Can you address why you’re obsessed with him?