Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

McGuirk is the worst type of cunt. He doesn’t have controversial opinions because he believes in them, he has them because he knows that the apes following him will have those opinions.
Hes a pure Trump type. Twisting the truth if not outright lying


Eamonn Ryan could probably have relieved him of a few Bob as well if he wasn’t such a decent sort

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Is there any media outlet in ireland that doesn’t engage in that?


A decent sort alright :roll_eyes:

By the time he woke up he was probably statutebarred.


Cunt never showed for our walk to school morning last week after he arranged a big pr event around it. Only texted the school the night before

the cunt with Covid?

I think he does believe most of them but has always seen these appalling opinions primarily as a vehicle to create a WWF heel manager persona and make money from that persona.

His narcissism, his obsession with being “somebody” is his biggest driver.

Mentally he has never left the campus of Trinity and student politics. There was a bizarre reactionary culture among a particular element of male Trinity students during his time there. It was equal part nerdish and equal part jock. There would be fellas who would land a punch on somebody for no reason in the stairwell of The Ginger Man and then leg it. Some of these fellas were obsessed with inhaling snuff and the primacy of the Latin mass, supporting Israel and mimicking the worst of English toff culture. They were self proclaimed “banter merchants”, who substituted appalling reactionary opinions on pretty much everything for an “extrovert” personality. It was a weird culture.

I think mentally Cosgrave hasn’t left Trinity either. I’m not overly familiar with what interactions the two had while they were there as I never followed student politics and never had any personal interactions with either but it’s difficult to imagine the spat between them doesn’t have its roots in a personal animus between the two which developed at Trinity.

He only got that a few days ago. This was over a week ago.

Environment Minister Eamon Ryan tests positive for Covid-19 -

Mr Ryan cancelled an appearance at an event last week after getting mild Covid-19 symptoms. An initial test for the virus was negative.

Surely they could have found better shit than that though. What he tweeted wasn’t great but hardly earth shattering stuff. He is an absolute cunt alright, but if they are going to try take him down, they should be finding worse material to hang him with.

Calling a black man a “monkey” is pretty bad.

Is McGuirk not just a mouthpiece for Declan Ganley?

It is, but I don’t see that in the tweet that was posted. Like I said, surely he has said worse than those 4 tweets posted.

He’s a racist, it’s in everything he does, but he’s an educated man, he can dress it up, like the Traveller stuff that is still a very popular thing here

He’s a cunt, nasty and dangerous, he deserves nothing


OK, I don’t disagree with anything there. But if someone is going to go to the effort of trawling through thousands of tweets that are over 10 years old, then the point I’m making is that they could have found worse than that to make their point. Those tweets are, even by Johnny Arses standards, fairly harmless in the current climate.

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That’s fair enough, trouble is that lads here who never heard of him 12 months ago are hanging on his every word now, proclaiming him the saviour of journalism, as I said, that’s quite dangerous considering what he is,

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Paddy will have him dead and buried by Stephens day

Paddy is some man to carry out a vendetta

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What did Jarry say ?

Double dare paddy to have a go at Gerry :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: