Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

What an absolute cretin.

FOAD Cosgrave you Cunt


Somebody change the thread title FFS sake. Entitled, arrogant, deplorable upper class scion of privilege.


The beauty of free speech. Let cunts reveal themselves.

I wonder if he got up to something that heā€™s worried about, big ā€˜I was only investigated as the guards were out to get meā€™ energy of these tweets

Paddy, Paddy, Paddyā€¦

The hero we donā€™t deserve.

Interesting mix of ā€œIreland is fullā€ types, lads with the Tricolour and the Palestinian flag in their bio and other assorted crusty sorts

And edgy sorts like @Thomas_Brady


That isnā€™t how the world and the informational landscape we exist in now works at all.

The game is heavily rigged in favour of the worldā€™s biggest cunts. ā€œLibertarianismā€ has turned the world into the film Idiocracy.

Thatā€™s why liberal democracies and reason based societies are destined to fall.

Yes quite a number of edgelords alright


Theyā€™ll fail because the left have disappeared up their own holes . The looney left has destroyed society far more than any despot or loudmouth on twitter ever will.

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How do you think itā€™s rigged mate?

The overlap between these types and how they get brought together is fascinating. The Russians and indeed the western right wing have some very clever ā€œpolitical technologistsā€ identifying fault lines and various areas of common ground to bring low information people together.

The anti-vaccine thing was one area.

Hatred for Jews is another.

Packaging of batshit insanity as ā€œcoolā€ and ā€œedgyā€ is another great way to bring simple lads like @glenshane and @Thomas_Brady over to the far right.

Packaging Russian imperial genocide, ie. literally the exact same what Hitler did when he invaded Poland, as ā€œanti-imperialismā€, thatā€™s another.

No surprise tommy the mouse isnā€™t a fan of the shades

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Iā€™d say theres a fair overlap of the type of people who drove from all over the country for the Shell to Sea protests and the types who follow Paddy and his ilk slavishly

ā€œLibertarianismā€ holds that the worth of opinion can only be measured by the amount of engagement it generates.

The most stupid and the most hateful opinions and the most shouty opinions garner the most engagement. Therefore, according to ā€œlibertarianismā€, these are the opinions which have the most worth.

This is how Elon Musk runs Twitter. Amplify idiocy and hate, drown out reason.

In an era of information overload, attention spans have collapsed. Idiocy and hate sells and reason and context do not sell. Lowest common denominator sells. Pied pipers, utter charlatans, sell. Being deplorable sells. This is demonstrably true.

This is why we have Donald Trump and Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and every other two bit US right wing demagogue. Itā€™s why we have Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage and Lozza Fox and Piers Morgan and every other Murdoch inspired English demagogue. Itā€™s why we have Jamie Bryson.

And Mick Wallace and Paddy Cosgrave.

Paddy Cosgrave is a person of no intrinsic talent. He has knowledge of the world of self-promotion. This is not a talent. He markets himself as a deplorable because he knows this strategy works.

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Was that when the pigs acted on behalf of corporate interests?


The time Gardai protected workers going to work mate

There was nothing inherently wrong with the idea of Shell to Sea. There was nothing inherently wrong with the idea of protests against water charges. Thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with being pro-Palestinian freedom. Thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with housing protests. Thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with having a healthy scepticism about some of the practices of pharmaceutical companies. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with having a healthy cynicism about how media works. There was nothing wrong with protesting against the Iraq War. Most if not all of these things were eminently sensible and at the very least legitimate ideas if you had considered the issues properly.

The problem, as always is people.

What smart but amoral people on the spectrum of right wing political strategy/pro-Russia chaos agentism understood very well was that a lot of people who are loud and who actively ā€œprotestā€ are actually buffoons who donā€™t think very much, who can be easily split off from perfectly legitimate ideas and pushed into batshit fucknuttery with a few dumb slogans and well placed conspiracy theories and lies.

This is all just as true for the hard left. Twitter amplified those opinions prior to Musk however I seem to remember you stating once that they were a company and so could censor who they wished. That still holds only your ā€˜sideā€™ have fallen foul.

Social media has ruined interactions.


No, no, no ā€¦ Far right, Nazis, Trump yada, yada, yada