Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

Give us the name of a few far left accounts that have the same profile as some of the right wing users above listed by @Cheasty

I don’t think it’s just as true on the left as it is on the right. A much higher proportion of people on the broad left actually think deeply about issues. When people like Mick Wallace and Clare Daly, or John Pilger, reveal themselves as having abhorrent views, they meet with intense opposition to the point that they are ostracised. This isn’t true about right-wing demagogues. Broad left wing politics isn’t about demagoguery, it’s about ideas. Right-wing politics and reactionary right wing worldviews in general is about demagoguery and believing unconditionally in pied pipers. There is a tankie left, which is the market Cosgrave has identified, but that’s ultimately a pawn of the far right, and far right regimes like, say, Russia, actively foment this trojan horse because they know it’s a pawn for the far right. Cosgrave is a pawn of Russia and its allies.

Twitter by its nature has always been a platform which amplified stupidity, hate and lies.

But at least the previous ownership made some sort of tenuous effort to keep a lid on things, completely inadequate as it was.

Musk bought Twitter with the aim of amplifying and blowing the lid off all that stupidity, hate, lies and cultism, because he knows it benefits him.

Musk is an agent of the Russia/China/Saudi/Iran/US right wing axis of autocracy. He is so because at heart he’s a absolute megalomaniac with designs on ruling the world and running it for his own personal benefit, like a king, or as part of an alliance of corrupt kings.

The technology is the inherent problem. The platforms, especially Twitter, are the inherent problem. They are a wild west of information. In the hands of anybody, they are dangerous. In the hands of the likes of Musk, they’re a total disaster. The problem is, these platforms actively influence who gets into power, and the fabric of liberal democracy and the post-World War II liberal, rules and laws-based global order (which for all its faults is by far the best situation available to us) unravels thread by thread.

Greta Thunberg.

She’s a far left anti democracy extremist.

She is a green activist like yourself as far as I know but I don’t see much of her on my timeline, whereas the likes of Ewan and Paddy Cosgrave are often on it

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She’s an extremist. She is anti democracy and is trying to radicalize other green activists, such as myself.

In the US I could think of a good few charlatans who identify as “left” and have reasonable followings and serve as subtle chaos agents, but none of them are mainstream figures in the way right-wing demagogues are.

All them are pro-Russia.

Krystal Ball
Katie Halper
Glenn Greenwald (who is not actually left at all)
Matt Taibbi
Michael Tracey
Briahna Joy Gray
Nina Tucker
Jimmy Dore
Aaron Mate
Max Blumenthal
Benjamin Norton
Red Scare podcast
Chapo Trap House podcast

I wouldn’t count any of the above as good faith operators, they’re chaos agents, fakes, deplorables.

In the UK you have some very mildly prominent media figures of varying toxicity on the left, but none have a serious following.

The “leader” of what would be broadly termed “the online left” in the UK is Gary Lineker, who has assumed that position because everybody knows him and he’s spent six or seven years putting out tweets which effectively say nothing much more controversial than “let’s be nice to other people”. As soon as he got in any more interesting than that, the UK Government tried to cancel him.

Cosgrave is aiming at an Irish version of the market those US figures are aiming at.

The likes of Art Foley, who believe in nothing but want “the system” to crash and burn, and the world to burn, effectively. Cosgrave is appealing to nihilists.

Greta winds up all the right people, as we can see here.

Rachel Maddow, AOC, Mehdi Hasan, Nicole Hannah Jones?

I’m merely citing an example as asked for. You listed a half dozen people yourself…

How can you say this with a straight face? Bias on twitter is bias. Regardless of who it’s aimed at. But it wasn’t be moaned before.

None of these have remotely toxic followings or spread remotely toxic content, they inhabit a reality based world and spread actual reality.

You’re seriously comparing any of these to Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson?

This shows how utterly detached from reality you have become.

Thanks…a few on that list are excellent. I must check out the rest

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You think it’s wrong to be biased against hate speech?

They’re all pro-Russia and so are you so obviously you think they’re good.

AOC recently voted against the US war in syria…fair play, a brave stance to take when most of her colleagues are all for war(s)

What hate speech has Tucker Carlson spread?

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Greta Thunberg is not a demagogue. Unless you think David Attenborough is a demagogue too.

Greta winds you up so much because she’s a young woman with a razor sharp moral compass who isn’t cowed by vicious right-wing hate campaigns against her.

You hate that.

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Of course they are, junior senator.

So are you saying they aren’t?