Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

Your concern for @Locke is touching. He’s a hoor to traverse terrain though, you could do worse than lease another Berlingo and appoint him Regional Manager for Munster in Juhniallio Enterprises.

He’s well able to adjust the Power Rankings to suit the area of a Monday morning….#adapting


A real who’s who of bogey men on the jimmy dore show tonight

Irish twitter is a nawful place.


That will make his day.

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Micheal is still seething that Robert Troy’s and Damien English’s corruption was exposed by the ditch. He only wants to allow journalism that is nice to ffg.


The starting point for any discussion about Cosgrave is his ego. Mostly he just wants attention.

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More lies


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The establishment are sick twisted bastards. Paddy’s family don’t deserve this.

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Paddy Cosplay seems to have decided to model himself on Marcus Sweeney.

As someone says in the comments, have we our own budding John McAfee before us?

McAfee had a bit of talent though

It would seem Paddy is in Rio on an important business trip, but is spending his entire time furiously tweeting :joy:

Sounds like a productive trip

Could be interviewing Ewan for a job at The Ditch :thinking:

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Somebody told him Amazon wanted to buy Web Summit so Paddy immediately legged it to Brazil.

What’s the Ditch, I’m guessing it’s a Gript style news website? There must be great demand for headbanger news

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where is the compulsive liars thread when you need it?