Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

poor @Juhniallio , thought he was top dog around here the last few months & now he is getting bitchslapped by this new poster @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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I really am too civil, too measured and too fair for the vicious abuse, dishonesty and smearing that some posters resorted to here.

I havenā€™t insulted anyone. Iā€™ve been very level headed, shown maturity, debated my points, substantiated them and being called a freak, an idiot, a fool.

Some people really ought to grow up and be able to take a bit of debate without resorting to insults when they are too insecure in their argument.

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Youā€™re doing that moving goalpost thing when you get shown up for a fool and start demanding we talk about other things.

Nope youā€™re doing that passive aggressive thing.

You labelled it a tirade of whataboutery. I followed that up directly by asking you about your double standards on Martin and Cosgrave. Your accusation about moving goalposts is false, you brought up whataboutery, I told you it was double standards.

Once again, itā€™s the passive aggressive thing you do when you canā€™t stand over a point you made. You want to hit me up with more bitchy insults now?

Thatā€™s gonna sting some of the lads here

Fifty years ago, back when were a proper country, these little, coughs, irregularities were seen to be part and parcel of getting things done. A nod here - a wink there.
Some folk would be happy if we could go back to those good old days where you got the bit of planning, got the speeding ticket thrown in the bin and this kind of stuff.
We were getting thousands of homes built and everyone was happy. Cosgrave is interfering in thisā€¦.


More paragraphs.

There was just a bit of light banter on the Web Summit Rio in here and then you come in here defending PCā€™s honour. Cringe.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy would be one of those. Heā€™s on record as saying that the government have destroyed the country.

Was it the rule of the Brits or 1970s planning in Ireland that he longs for again?

Things change. Now we have an unequal society where the rich and getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

When you have elected reps abusing their positions, pulling strokes to get land for their wife then that is hugely damaging for society. You have renters all across the country being gouged by greedy speculators. There is no humanity to these actions, no empathy, certainly no decency to those who commit them and stand over them. There is no accountability to those who are rumbled and caught. Instead you have the arrogance & confidence of people like Niall Collins to pull these strokes and expect to brazen it out even if they caught. A proper democracy would make an example of him and jail him - like should have happened with Varadkar, Troy and English too.

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Did you build that house yet?

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How can you jail someone when they havenā€™t committed a crime?



The thread is about Paddy Cosgrave.
1I gave a measured consideration of Paddy Cosgrave.
2 You couldnt find fault in it and want to be his chief batman so you moved the goalposts and attacked me about MM.
3 i posted just one of maybe 50 posts where Iā€™ve been very critical of MM.
4 You, AGAIN, couldnā€™t debate that fact so moved the goalposts and said i was being passive aggressive. I disagree. I was mocking you outright for the fool you are. Nothing passive about it.

You have 2 tactics.
Moving the goalposts or nauseatingly repetitive tirades. Bizarre fella.
On a personal front, Iā€™m glad youā€™re back. Itā€™s a little sad you havenā€™t developed in any way during your enforced absence for being nauseatingly repetitiveā€¦


Structural work has now commenced, mate.

Gutted inside of the house. Footings dug and poured at the back of the house for the extension.

Spent the bank holiday weekend cutting down the inside of the foundation of the old part of the house with kango as the concrete is being poured for the floors at the weekend.


Niall Collins did commit a crime, so did Varadkar.

An FOI needs to be done with Westmeath Co Co to ascertain what funny business was going on with Troy.

Damien English also committed a crime.

@the_Seven_Car_Giant giddy again he can return to being the lad wiping the cum off Fulvioā€™s keyboard. Good for you bro.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is defending Paddyā€™s honour because AndrĆ© in Rio said the queues for the Web Summit were bad.

  1. I made the point that people most vocal on Cosgrave are coming in with an agenda.
  2. You got angry and called me an idiot and a fool
  3. You then posted about whataboutery
  4. I reaffirmed my position that you have an agenda and again pointed out your double standards
  5. You then put up one post about Martin
  6. I then displayed the difference in attitudes once again between Cosgrave and Martin
  7. You got passive aggressive and started bizarrely shouted about moving the goalposts
  8. I reminded you once again that you have done nothing to contend those double standards and already tried to three different deflection tactics a) insults b)whatboutery c) moving the goalposts

My position and contention is the same as it has been since the start:

  1. Those attacking Cosgrave are not doing so on sincere grounds
  2. This is exemplified by their double standards on Martin and Cosgrave

Thatā€™s sticking to the point which you have been caught on and have acted and behaved very petulantly since being rumbled. You seem to have a real ego and problem with people who are smarter than you which brings out those passive aggressive traits and general rudeness.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve as much time to read all this as I had during lock down.

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