Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

Absolute car crash interview

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He’s complaining RTE cut out sections of his interview about Chay Bowes? Should he not be thanking them?

Car crash interview but he knows that. He’s appealing to a very certain audience.

Any comments on the other ones cut?

How would I have comments on things not broadcast?

Cosgrave’s arrogance is hilarious. Everybody knows the format of This Week, that it covers five or six different subjects in 57 minutes and no interviewee is going to be afforded more than 10-12 minutes at most.

Did he seriously think they’d clear the decks and broadcast half an hour or more of him? :joy:

The absolute spoiled entitlement of the cunt.

If he made comments on Michael Martin and they were cut out it’s only feeding him further. I don’t doubt he’s telling the truth when it comes to RTÉ sadly

Literally everything feeds the mindset of the internet conspiracy theorist, which is basically what Cosgrave is at this stage.

The ironing…


Did you hear him? He came across as a complete psycho, responses to questions were mostly completely unrelated non-sequitars, the kind of weird responses you get from far-night nuts and conspiracy theorists.

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One exchange went something like: “Do you have any issues with the treatment of migrant workers or LGBT people in Qatar?” Paddy responds “the USA dropped 47 bombs a day over the last eight years.”

A bizarre oddball weirdo.

He wanted them to rebroadcast his spiel on what a crony insider he was himself. Just feeding the morons who say “brilliant Paddy” to everything he tweets.

It was a good way to get him to admit that he didn’t give a shit about anything outside of Ireland.

He doesn’t give a shit about anything in Ireland either, but yeah, it showed him up alright.

Cosgrave is a cancerous tumour in the rectum of Ireland. A privileged, spoiled, entitled, corrupt con artist. This can never be said enough.


Well his goal is to “take down” a couple of his enemies.

Not sure where he goes after the government changes. He is good at finding enemies though. Maybe he’ll tackle Portuguese corruption.


Niall Collins too!


He was asked to clarify his criticism of MM on multiple occasions in the broadcast but continually resorted to whataboutery.

RTE doing a hatchet job on behalf of Mick Martin… What a country


By God Justin McCarthy got completely under the cunts skin there.