Congratulations to Leinster Champions of Europe

[quote=“myboyblue”]I’ll give the nod to Gerry T’s informed sources over your WTB.

Either way, the future and present is focking fantastic for Irish rogbee.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, was only thinking about this the other day, some very good young players coming through from the province’s, compare where we are now to 14 or 15 months ago when it looked like Irish rugby was well past its peak

onwards and upwards

[quote=“myboyblue”]Shite, my mistake.

I’d say he was right on that one though! Actually surprised at how few Tiger jerseys could be seen there.

Quite a few Toulouse jerseys in the crowd actually.[/QUOTE]

Apology accepted :thumbsup:

You’d expect that sort of argument from a 6 year old.

“Oh well I don’t care cause Leinster are gay anyway”

Cheers mate.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Munster stamped all over it yeah?

What happened in the semi then?

Oh yes - there are a good few funboys then in Munster if that is the case.

This is IOTM material right here.[/QUOTE]

Farmer even a casual observer like myself can see that munster have played a completely different game this year. And it delivered them results in a fashion that they never could have achieved previously. Good on Leinster, they huffed and puffed their way to the heineken cup in the way munster would have played a couple of years ago. It’s great for them. But munster are way ahead, they’ll recover the forward grit easily. It took Leinster ten years to get it, and after the funboyism that this win will undoubtedly pave the way for, it’ll probably disappear again. They, sadly, are townie cunts. And after their big win, they’ll promptly disappear in classic townie cunt fashion. I’d love to see them stay at the top. But the they won’t.

[quote=“Fran”]You’d expect that sort of argument from a 6 year old.

“Oh well I don’t care cause Leinster are gay anyway”[/QUOTE]

They are to be fair. I’m not happy about it but it’s the truth and you all know it.


Honestly. Imitation, as the say, is the sincerest form of flattery. They finally got over themselves and admitted they were too limited to do better than the decade old munster blueprint.

If you can, strive for originality. But if you’re going to steal, steal from the best.

Embarrassing stuff from Watch The Break here. Obviously bottling it up for the last few days. I love the way this place becomes a place to vent, a counselling service if you will. We are here for you pal. You can dress it up in fancy language and rhetoric but you are fucking seething. God bless Leinster - champions of Europe. :thumbsup:

[quote=“Watch The Break”]Honestly. Imitation, as the say, is the sincerest form of flattery. They finally got over themselves and admitted they were too limited to do better than the decade old munster blueprint.

If you can, strive for originality. But if you’re going to steal, steal from the best.[/QUOTE]

Imitation? How else do you expect a team to win a European Cup other than play Rugby. Are you trying to say that Munster invented Rugby now?

Are you for real?

So you logic is Leinster hammered Munster because Munster are attempting to take their game to a different level and Leinster are where Munster were a few years back.

I’ll repeat - Leinster hammered Munster. Does that mean anything to you?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Are you for real?

So you logic is Leinster hammered Munster because Munster are attempting to take their game to a different level and Leinster are where Munster were a few years back.

I’ll repeat - Leinster hammered Munster. Does that mean anything to you?[/QUOTE]

Hey, you have to accept some setbacks when you try to change things. It’s part and parcel of sport. Munster were caught on one day all year, they had far more outstanding performances this year than in any other. On the whole they are going to be a much, much better outfit. Leinster caught them a bit cold and they took their chance, something they were never able to do previously, so good for them. It’s just unfortunate to see lads getting so carried away and failing to see the bigger picture. Unfortunate, but completely understandable, they’ve had to wait too long for their big day.

That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I ever read. Leinster beat Munster because they caught them a bit cold.


Maybe Kilkenny caught Waterford a bit cold last September?

You must have missed Ulster and Connacht beating them this season too. But hey, lots of Munster supporters don’t know what the Magner’s League is.

I don’t know much about it to be honest but I had heard they won it.

Clearly, seeing as you said they were caught once all season.

But this isn’t about Munster - this thread is dedicated to the European champions, Leinster.

Well done again Leinster. :thumbsup: :clap:

WTB’s has caught a few of us here to be fair to him. Disappointed I let myself get caught early on, but he’s still grabbing them in. Respect where its due.

But this isn’t about Munster - this thread is dedicated to the European champions, Leinster.

Well done again Leinster. :thumbsup: :clap:[/QUOTE]

I said well done Leinster from the very beginning. But like every bandwagoner, your mind can’t stretch to a discussion that goes beyond cheerleading. Fair enough, keep clapping and shouting, it suits you.

On your main point, that’s a pretty low comment given I’m on record here for months saying that I passionately support Leinster any time they advance to the last 8 of the European Cup or further.

On your final point, :clap: :thumbsup: :smiley: :thumbsup: :mad: :thumbsup: :mad: :thumbsup: :mad: :thumbsup:

Remind me of what the discussion is again.

I think your hypothesis amounted to Leinster beating Munster because Leinster ‘caught them cold’.