Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

No, I’ve said it regularly.

I wouldn’t take any notice of you

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Despite that obvious reply, it doesn’t detract from Limerick being the greatest team of all time.

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If he has committed to rugby, I would not play him in u20s. Better to pick a lad who is committed to hurling and help him develop.

I appreciate its hard to ignore a lad as good as BOC, but long term playing him will not help Cork hurling.

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Stop ffs …my ears are bleeding! Savage this savage that ! Who are you….Anthony daly?

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Will anyone from Cork even go. Support is bad at the best of times

I’ve said it before. It wasn’t JP’s money, it was his insistence that they sort themselves out before he gave them the money, that brought things on. He fired money at them the first few years and got nowhere. Then he said hang on there a second now, where’s this going


Joe McKenna was the key


Sure Limerick hurlers are like the Dublin footballers, professional in all but name. Money talks. What was Dalo getting? 80k a year was’nt it.

Was it?

Can’t agree with that all. Other counties need to start asking the right questions, rather than blaming everything on money.

Someone on here compared the Cork Hurlers to Man Utd. They are 100 percent correct. Utd have spent absolute fortunes and are getting worse rather than better.

Limerick and Dublin are successful as the culture from top to bottom is correct. Resources help, but without everything else, like players, coaching, management etc., you are at nothing.


Cork put money into PUC. Limerick put it into underage structures. Ed Shearan is still coming to Limerick.


It’s just been the perfect storm really the last few years.

Good coaching, got lucky with an exceptional group off two minor teams in 2013 and 2014, a magnificent manager, top class coaching set up, competent County Board appointments and a little bit of luck too.

It was just over 10 years ago we were at rock bottom with the strike year. The wheel is always turning, though. Blink and we’ll be 10/15/20 years since the last AI win.

They are hard to win!


Spot on.

Hego on OTB referenced a 21s game a few years back where we just beat Tipp by a point. A sliding doors moment for sure, without that no 21s all Ireland, then maybe no Kiely. No Kiely, no party

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Barry O’Connell was sent off in that game, early in the second half.

David McCarthy made one of the best saves I’ve ever seen to give us the win. @Copper_pipe might be able to dig up said save.

As you say, a proper sliding doors moment.

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On the topic of saves, I presume it’s been discussed to death but I was away.
Nickie made an all timer the other day, prevented another goal with outstanding anticipation,

Collins hasn’t made a good save since I don’t know when, Tony Kelly’s was straight at him I think?

Nickie is coming into the reckoning for GOAT at the position, what a starting point :man_shrugging:

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He was 100% spot on. If Limerick lost that game in 2015 who knows where we would be.

Potentially no Kiely and Kinnerk etc