Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

I wouldn’t give Bishopstown a hope.

Newtown are not the team they were but Bishopstown have an average age of 40.

EO/B’rock 1-12 each half time. Tame stuff tbh. Duirmuid Kirwin blowing the shite out of it. B’rock look way off the pace of last yr. Mark Landers talking it up comedy style.

Two piss poor sides.

Connolly hasn’t pucked a ball all night.

Awful. EO limited as fuck but always have heart. This group will go down to scoring difference.

Would have said the same about Erins Own and they beat Blackrock.

Heard Connolly’s workrate was shocking as usual?

I think Paudie Power is a better prospect.

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Some going for a family


An ounce of breeding is better than a ton of feeding.


5-3 here in the Pairc to Douglas , just after first water break.

13-5 to Douglas at half time… Could be further ahead with 2 good goal chances and thats with A Cadagon and Turnbull being well marshalled.

This is a real ooooft to those lads who say you don’t go to club games :facepunch:

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Haters gonna hate. . Good crowd here.

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Any coincidence that he is “attending” a game that is being live streamed by d’examiner


Bad form. @Thomas_Brady doesn’t take photos, only when needed for evidence. So he will prob throw one up here now showing himself to be in the stadium just to spite you.

Cc @gilgamboa


That’s the fucking job kid :clap::clap::clap::clap:

The Glen are at nothing. 0-24 to 1:10