Cork v Tipp - Munster Hurling Semi-Final

Hey, i think the 2 of ye should fuck off to a pub with each other and bitch again about how much of a cunt ye think i am, 'cos ye are boring me here.

Congratulations on the fine victory, Kev.

fixed that for you

you said he was shit & that you thought tipp would wi- face it- i know more about cork gga than you do :lol:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

P Horgan 2-02, B Oā€™Connor 0-05, A O hAilpin 1-01, J Gardiner, C Naughton, N McCarthy 0-02 each, P Oā€™Sullivan 0-01

Ya weā€™re totally reliant on him. :rolleyes:

He played really well, really really well. Just accept it. I didnā€™t even think he was capable of what he did. There is nothing wrong with being wrong Gman, we can all only go n the evidence put in front of us (as in the league and last year), how we analyze that evidence is up to us all, but Cork, and Aisake (and Sean Og) were outstanding today, end of. FACT.

Kev if you could stop creaming yourself for a second, youā€™re not the only one who predicted Tipp to lose today, that they are over-rated etc. Today was no great surprise.

Good man Bandage, it was a very enjoyable one, talking to my dad about it afterwards was quite an emotional thing to be honest, i just love how he enjoys it. Unfortunately for me iā€™m not good enough to take credit for the win, but being a Cork GAA man i think iā€™m entitled to bask in the glory of it.

The lads did us proud today, but weā€™ve won nothing.

if you knew anything about fiddlesticks in cork you would have known that Aisake and Sean Og were flying in training over the last few weeks so today was expected

Delighted to have called this one wrong!

Defence was exceptional - when Shane Oā€™Neill was arguably your worst defender then you know the other 5 put is huge performances. Curran MOTM hands down.

Midfield did fine - Kenny seemed only half fit, but I thought Naughton some excellent stuff.

Forwards were a bit of mixed bag - Aisake, Hoggie and Ben werre excellent, Jerry and Fraggie were disapointing, Niall Mac was somewhere in between. Plenty of room there for Cussen and maybe Paudie Sul yet imo.

Any post-match analysis should be tempered by the fact that this was an awful Tipp performance. Sheedy got it very wrong tactically, and the amount of high balls that rained down on top of our center back line and Cadogan was incredible. They also struggled very badly to properly pressurise and close down the space in the middle third when Cork were in possession.

Wrong Dunph. I thought Tipp were the favoured team, but i thought they were over rated. I obviously under rate my own team.

Kev, is there any chance you could spell my name right? Or at the very least not get it completely wrong twice in the same post like some semi-illiterate retardā€¦

Regarding Curran, if he puts on 3 and 4 performances like that through the year then Iā€™ll be wrong. Its a matter of consistency.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Today was a great today. Congratulations once again to Cork. No harm to shut them Tipp cunts up. And to think, Limerick have progressed further than Tipp in this years Championship. :lol:

hey turrene, just enjoy it will you. You were wrong, i was right, but only for tonight. Its no big deal.

I have often questioned Callinan, i think there are bigger tests ahead. I just felt there was a big performance there, sometimes even a big performance isnā€™t enough i.e. Brian Corcoran in '95 or John troy inā€™99.

A great dispaly from Cork today, enough said, they are real condenters again!!!, donā€™t think tipp are finsished yet either

Highlight of the day for me was Ger Canning saying ā€œNo matter how well Cork have played today, they will have to lift it another level for the semi finalā€


Elsewhere, the Cork Intermediates won easy against Tipp, but the main players that one would expect to make the step up to senior, Brian Corry and Mark Harrington, were very disapointing.


Unless you mean Munster.

I would have John Oā€™ Callaghan ahead of them, how did he play?