Cork weirdo/sicko thread

50/50 is what you said, no need to ladybird anything,
Do you believe at this stage that it’s a toss of a coin as to whether she serves time? I hope for your sake you’re not a betting man, you appear to have no idea of chance

You seem to be deliberately ignoring the rest of the post where I said 50/50

You really are a limited poster.

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The rest of the post was just a build up to your 50/50 verdict which you made including all you had weighed up,
Which part would you like me to pay attention to that changes your last line

Are you backtracking on the 50/50 now?

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Dear christ you are limited.

What an odd deflection this is, we’re all limited,
50/50 or not? Yes or no, you’re the supposed legal expert, I find that ludicrous

This should be good

A 2 year jail term would be unreal.


Are you mentally challenged or something. I listed the factors and it’s on a knife edge as to whether or not she gets chokey. It’s not the toss of a coin.

I’m not expendingy energy on someone who can’t understand simple English. You bring nemboesque here

A toss of a coin is a common enough analogy for a 50/50 scenario, are you pretending you don’t know that? I wasn’t suggesting the judge was going to call head or harps in his chambers

I take it you’re doubling down in your 50/50 call, I’d love to be your bookie

That exactly what you were insinuating.

I wouldn’t bother mate, @backinatracksuit is a big fan of the criminal in this case

And I’m the one that’s limited?? :smiley:

Finally the penny drops for you.


@backinatracksuit schooling fooley here

Ah shtap matlock FFS :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


He’d throw away the key if she was from Limerick.

Rubbish, I’m a huge fan of Niamh Mulcahy and the big goalie.

Was this a coin toss?

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You should stay away from the bookies.

@artfoley, you know as well as I do that she will play the depression/good gaa person /good family bla bla bla, and will no more see the inside of a cell than Platini.