Cork weirdo/sicko thread

First offense for relatively minor if unforgivable assault wouldnā€™t end up with jail time in any case, Art must have practiced law in the 19century

She assaulted two women in an unprovoked attack.

Iā€™m not defending her in the least, just bemused by Artā€™s suggestion that itā€™s 50/50 that it will result in jail time

Not a hope sheā€™ll see jail time

Thereā€™s always hope :grimacing:

These cork cunts

Use the belt properly or just wear underwear

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Big deal leave the girl alone FFS

Did you take a picture of a manā€™s arse?


It was for the INTERNET though

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Art hates all women mate, donā€™t fret it, the strong mouthy ones send him into a rage,
Heā€™d gladly lock her up for brushing some young one with her elbow

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Ohhhhhh sad

I think youā€™re the sexist one here or if one of the Cark hurlers assaulted someone would you defend them as well?

Iā€™m not defending her at all, just having a giggle at the legal expert who thinks itā€™s 50/50 sheā€™ll go to jail for it

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This sounds like youā€™re defending her to me

You sound like youā€™ve only signed up today??

2 counts of assault is hardly brushing up against someone.

Now fuck off with your glaslite shite

What do you think, 6 months, a year maybe even 2? :smile:

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Obviously youā€™re totally unaware of the vagaries and the inconsistency of the district court.

Now fuck off and go do your kids homework for them.

Weird deflection