Cork weirdo/sicko thread

You sound absolutely clueless to be honest? Are you doubling down on the 50/50 bit? :grin: a simple yes or no before you try deflect again

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Iā€™ve answered this already you simpleton

No, you havenā€™t, youā€™ve just tried to insult me in various weird ways, most recently suggesting I go ā€˜do my kids homework for themā€™ :thinking:
Now, as a legal expert do you believe that it is 50/50 that she goes to jail??

I answered this yesterday go back and look. Now fuck off Iā€™m trying to put madame to bed

Get the white vestments out Art. cc @Tassotti

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Iā€™ll take it thatā€™s its a yes.
Youā€™ve gone down as the legal expert in my view, coming across as really clueless if you think this is a jailing offence, Iā€™m surprised

Itā€™s 2 assaults. Two guilty pleasure on the steps of the courts and one of the victims had to come back from Dubai to give evidence and them Thompson plead out when she arrived.

Also did you not notice that her solicitor tried to get the judge who wasnā€™t seised of the matter to do the sentencing?

She may get jail, she may not but people have gone to jail for a lot less

She wonā€™t go to jail, I suspect you know that too but canā€™t backtrack :neutral_face:

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Well see

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Yes, mate.

He was literally 10ft away the weird cunt.

Edgy Tracksuit man?

Sheā€™s a headbanger who tore the hole out of this case. She has plead guilty and you have an issue with Arts opinion?

I hope she gets at least a suspended sentence and that she cops the fuck on.

So is she going to jail or not?

weā€™ll have to see if she pays the fine

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50/50 she does I guess

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congrats, you were right, but thatā€™s shockingly lenient.


Is it regular practice to plead guilty to a crime and not have a criminal conviction?

Iā€™m sure Art will concede that the odds have tilted in her favour,
Sounds like the judge agonized over it :grin:


ahem cough

No congrats here, it was never in a million years going to end up with jail time, Iā€™m led to believe that the assaults were of the less serious type, 2 lines in the Echo if it wasnā€™t for the profile

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