Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Porridge was never going to happen here .

Interesting to see if sponsors retain her and if she gets the sindo glam photos .

I wonder is he a Cork GAA fan

This is probably a boost to her profile for the sindo. Redemption tale to be told

You’re very petty men.


It is utterly wrong that she can avoid any conviction at all, whilst some 18 year old will get one for a tenners worth of hash.
The law in this country is sometimes a joke.

No, I meant the point scoring over this.

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In fairness mate, I don’t think a teenager will pick up a conviction for a ten spot

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I’ve seen it mate first hand.

Very disappointing news. She should have got jail.


I believe she has set up a GoFundMe page to pay the 6k. So she won’t be doing the jail time.


Red Bull are paying it.

The Irish legal system has failed these two victims.


Was waiting for someone to say this…

€6000 is the new custodial sentence. That’s the way it’s gone nowadays I suppose

What a joke

Red Bull was the cause of it more like

Correct- as in never- caution etc

Ppl have done the same for worse offences and walked especially money ppl

No what I’m saying is far worse things have been done and the old boys club kicked in to save the whures from jail ,this wasn’t a jailable offence ( no previous)

Think the Healy - Rae boys will see the inside of a prison cell? Never ,or the realms of crooked bankers/ solicitors / politicians who fucked us up the ass?