Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Yes … she waited until the gardia contacted her about it to start posting about how heartbroken she was … on the same day she killed him she posted a pic of a tattoo her fella got on his neck, which was her name…

Sorry regards my reply,it’s on some other thread- basically shes getting fucked out via court order- she owes money to a pikey druggie- tried to force the brother to cough up

Jesus. Thats truly sad.


We fear for you . Come home

Place is gone to shit since I left there.

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If you want to tool up, give me a shout

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Northside mostly+ parts of carrigaline are shiteholes aswell

Interesting dialogue on Helen Jones Facebook page to say the least. :joy: There are some amount of degenerates out there. A neck tattoo is a good start at identifying many of them.

I work in Mahon and you don’t have to wander too far to see plenty of them there too.

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Dunno ref tattoo etc,but you’re bang on ref mahon etc my buddy works in the centre there,she’s quiet but says what comes in to her shocks her

Its Mahon cunts coming out to MountOval

And what about the 4 dead partners, did she kill all if them too?

(No just rode them to death​:+1::+1::+1:) d?Dunno TBH I think at least one was suicide

Rowdy enough up there’too though,painted a few houses up there 3/4 years ago and the local yobs were as bad as any you’d find in the ‘mahon’

Rowdy me bollix …

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Group of teens out of their boxes at 3 in the afternoon,was told it was a regular occurrence

Says your man from Bishopstown … your lot are the ones out here dealing

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Long gone from uam var avenue mores the pity,this carrigaline is a shite hole

I heard it’s gone dog rough out there alright

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My particular part anyways