Cork weirdo/sicko thread

FFS Iā€™m sure he played GAA aswell but that wouldnā€™t get the same reaction!

The likes of that is going on out in College Court with the last couple of years. Clowns leaving houses wide open while theyā€™re going from one gaff to another and car keys, laptops etc left out for easy pickings

Donā€™t think so

It was teenagers

With a name like Cameron Blair thereā€™s a fair chance that the young lad didnā€™t play GAA.

Anyway, itā€™s a fuckin sad state of affairs. Poor youngfella

That whole Bandon Road area, Barrack st, Magazine st were always the places where the big house parties would be when I was back in college. Free from an over zealous security guard that you might encounter in Brookfield and Castle white. Owners didnā€™t put any money into the houses as some students would have an open door policy and destroy the place. I would have been in many of these same houses myself. Some of them wouldnā€™t even have bed frames and just a mattress thrown on the ground. Back then it was cans of Dutch gold, Bavaria or Tubourg. Worlds apart from what they are consuming now.

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Iā€™m genuinely surprised by this.

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Narrative isnā€™t the be all and end all of everything bro

So was the guy from Drogheda

In fairness, when I was in my teenage years, I never left the house without my machete either


Paul Barry,scum,have a video of them attacking house with bottles beforehand etc


These lads are being raised without any fear of consequences. Scary.

Itā€™s like the guy murdered in a shopping Centre in Newcastle last year. Told some teenagers off and they put a screwdriver through his heart. No warning just lashed out.


Video is from a few months back apparently

Not sure, about the inside vid, outside one shows the killer thug-+ his 14 yes 14 year old scummie mate from faranree ,and am 18 yr old-go smacked a tyke like that out in the company of older neer do wells


This was it. Brushed past the teenager on way into a shopping centre. Killed.

We will be seeing more and more similar incidents with the acceleration of the inequality gap I fear

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Something seriously fucked up now,shankill butchers were monsters back when,but if they were about their work now eyebrows would hardly be raised,immune at this stage