Cork weirdo/sicko thread

If that’s true then the image created of him just dying outside Lennox’s is heartbreaking, how tough is that for a family to take, may he rest in peace,
It’s fucked up, society is broken on some level, it’s not just a Cork thing obviously though if lads feel the need to point score on this then fair enough, there has been a few a we ful cases recently, kids are fucked, video gaming is partly to blame IMO


It’s difficult not to blame the teachers for this.

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People were a lot poorer in previous decades and young lads weren’t murdering other young lads. There just seems a lot more psychos now for whatever reason.

RIP to the poor chap, what a fucking waste of a life.


Along with the teachers, It’s the lack of God in young people’s lives. Having no faith, no belief is not a good way for a child to grow up.


The elephant in the room is the INTERNET


Rugby. Get ready for a big one.

That and viral WhatsApp videos. Kids are desensitised to everything

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Yes,that’s part of the problem no level of violence surprises the youth of today, exposed to it too early

History has shown us that since the dawn of mankind, human beings possess the propensity to brutalize one another. This is abundantly clear in every century since man put pen to paper. In Ireland we have come out of a period where the Catholic Church with the threat of eternal damnation for the mortal sin of homicide helped drastically decrease the savagery of the drunken blood thirsty Paddy with attitude . Now devoid of the shackles of all things holy the coke nosed Pikey Paddy is rolling back the centuries to medieval times.


When you have generations of people living off the state you’ll get that. In the old days people emigrated.,

Hi Sid :wave:


Does he have an alias for every county? (this one is Limerick apparently).

Just what I was thinking! Welcome back @sid

Dunno if you’re being serious,but either way I’ll bite- young ppl expect to get everything fast as in now, without hard work or worry- expectations are high,but that’s the way we’ve brought them up,most not nurtured but left loose to do what they want to do,no consequences- soft judiciary-apathy in the gardai-social workers / tusla 9-5 mon- Friday,Pieta house etc underfunded- suicide rates huge-and a list generation of uneducated drifting youth- big melting pot of trouble,and unless the powers that be cop on Ireland won’t recover

Use of full stops and no paragraphs. Not Sid

As Arthur Fleck said at the beginning of Joker, “Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there”.

Arthur knew

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My sources reporting a shooting in Blackpool

Heard nothing

M ea culpa, something happened alright