Cork weirdo/sicko thread

It’s a lot easier to be edgy on TFK than it is to be what is considered a virtue signaller, if you’re in it for the easy likes then thats the way to go

And yes it’s an anonymous board for the most part so I don’t see the point anyway,
I’m honest in my opinions here always, seems to annoy more than a few of ye but I couldn’t give a shit about that, hard to understand the constant abuse though


I’m in the same boat,I’ve nothing to hide

If you aren’t getting abused you’re on the wrong side


It’s no harm to give your opinion and have it challenged and take a bit from that too. Good eg was when you popped up the twitter rant thinking it was one of the young black lads but it was pointed out to you that it was more likely a proper racist trying to stir shit.

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Sorry I see yere discussing that on the other thread

Yeah on reflection that could be true,it’s crazy irrespective

Feels like a powder keg in cork at the moment between these gangs, the general head and also the tension between students and residents around college road. Heard a few yarns that there is vigilantism on college road due to partys going on last few weeks

College road is only a tittle that, feral teens is different, happening all over , not as bad as it’s made out , but at times v definitely yes

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Its boiling over at the moment. I know a girl despite not being a student moved interested a few weeks back. 2 neighbor’s evicted for partys. Residents protesting and some have threatened and broke bottles off houses. Landlord is over everyday to ensure they aren’t causing hassle. This Covid has thrown it into overdrive

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Yeah bout time landlords acted properly, it’s hell up there especially for the elderly living nearby, know students have to let off steam but they’re taking the piss altogether for years

A gang of teenage young lads is volatile enough at the best of times. Loud, obnoxious, smelly and violent.

Like here actually.

Throw a few young ones in with summer clothes and all bets are off. The poor cunts go buck ape altogether. Rutting and pea cocking. Like here

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:+1::+1: you got it , this place is mad at times, but great for letting off steam

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My opinion is 6 in one half dozen the other. Students are going to behave with partys etc. I did myself. But I dont blame the resistants, trying to live peacefully. The unfortunate thing with ucc being in the city is there is very little college only accommodation to house all the student like college court in ul. Common sense on both sides is needed. Landlords need to be stricter to keep the students on a tight lease

You got it, ATM more college accommodation being planned

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They’re going by " Gang 31" it seems

College Court isn’t student only, I don’t know how the poor eejits living in there do it

Vast majority are at this stage I believe there is only a handful. God help the poor souls left in there

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There’s a professor lives down the back. Been there years. You’d wonder what is going through his head to put himself through that

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Young fellas have been bating the heads off each for time immemorial. The difference is now you get a video of it. Stabbing is next level alright, but hardly new to this generation either

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