Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Are they still running that market down from Blackrock Castle of a Sunday?

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They are.


Thats Cork City, nothing but fucking hills

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Its cobh

Youā€™ve gone native

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Iā€™m looking at that vista every day of my life

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Jesus those sick twisted cunts

Iā€™m surprised the mother didnā€™t have the bodies thrown in a skip


Sick sick fuckers.

The poor woman


Was she at funeral yesterday I wonder?

I take you back to this

I donā€™t think so. But plenty in the town lined out to pay their respects, even knowing they were respecting 2 murderers

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She was.

Silly woman. I wonder what sort she is herself

Stupid cunts

That is crazy. I assumed one son had shot other and father intervened and was shot.

Fucking heā€™ll

She was. Apparently locals spoke very highly of the family, in particular the Dad.

Just a crazy case.

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Why did she leave all the land to one son though?

I just canā€™t fathom how there were two of them in on it. If one of them went rogue youā€™d possibly understand but two willing participantsā€¦?

Like, how would one have even broached the subject with the other?

ā€œRight, Iā€™ve been thinking. Letā€™s take out your son/brother and then weā€™ll walk out to the field and take our own lives. Agreed?ā€