Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I’d be curious as to her/their mindset prior to all of this. A bit of detail to come here yet I suppose

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Could the other two not have gone to solicitors or anything for advice if they were that pissed off?

Just fucked up stuff. I can’t get my head around it.

Trying to figure out the thinking of a family who have over €1m in assets and still have their 20+ year old sons sleeping in bunk beds would be no easy task.


The father and younger son actually stood and fired a series of shots into the eldest. That’s pretty chilling for one person to even do not to mind a family team effort. They the decide to leave the mother alive. Then they killed themselves.

Holy fuck, that’s some level of badmind.

Has something deeper at play here. This is a couple who married, had 2 sons and over two decades arrived at this ending. She played some part in this tragedy along the way I’d imagine


You boggers are an enigma wrapped in bale of hay. It was true for Freud, the bogger mind can’t be psychoanalyzed.


The Dad’s role is the utterly bizarre one for me.

An impulsive act by a 23 year old feeling aggrieved at not being seen as equal to his brother - you might understand.

But the Dad? To pump bullets into his own son? And then take his own life alongside his other son? Madness.

Anything to be said for a 4 hour break between lads saying they can’t understand how this could have happened?


As they weren’t farming it themselves, this amount of land would bring in 20-25k a year on rental income. Nothing worth killing your family and yourself over. The land has little enought to do with this case I’d imagine.

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I can’t get my head around it.

I can’t understand how this could have happened.


It was the principle of it more so. Effectively it was the mother saying she preferred one son to the other, or thought one son was better than the other. I can see how he would feel aggrieved but to go as far as he did is another story.

Really struggling to get my head around this one.

I wouldn’t rule out an abusive relationship between father and mother and when she got the diagnosis finally told the father to fuck off and that he’d get nothing when she died, that would feed into why they let her live.

That said I really can’t fathom what transpired there

Was there a chance the lads were up all night drinking or something and maybe the combination of it being a tough period for everyone mentally With lock down they just completely lost the plot? Obviously a few screws were lose but maybe it was just 2 or 3 factors added to it.

I presume it’s clarified they didn’t panic after killing The son and just shot themselves in a panic after realising what they’d done.

There is surely more to the story anyway because didn’t the mother just move back in or something and neighbours were worried about her safety?

This could be true. In the sons eyes if she was dying he couldn’t really hurt her in a way. Maybe if she was healthy and he never spoke to her again he wouldn’t have it done it.

It still doesn’t explain how the father got involved anyway.

She is ruined now but we will never know the full story here.

It is extremely strange for two men to take such drastic and savage action unless their is serious history to this story imo.

The less said on this sorry tale going forward the better. 3 are dead and that woman won’t last too long either if her condition as reported is that severe.

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@LionelRitchie 4/5/19 “rural life is idyllic”
@LionelRitchie 29/10/20 “not surprised that this happened, the isolation and loneliness of rural life does terrible things to the mind”



Take a fall off your bike? Can you link where I said either?

was it not common enough in the country that the eldest son in a family got the farm?.. did i also hear that the gardai arrived at some tome around 7.30am but didnt find bodies til 1 pm?

Maybe. But that’s if the son is farming it which isn’t the case here. Actually, I have seen many cases of the non-eldest son getting it but mainly it’s split.

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