Cork weirdo/sicko thread

The thing I find myself asking is what were they hoping to achieve? Shoot the eldest son and the farm will be ours or if we can’t have it then nobody will?

If it’s the former, did they seriously think that their actions would be successful? If the latter, it points to a manifestation of evil far beyond any mental issues. A terrible business.

Must have been an absolutely unreal farm of land

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People liking this and I said neither comment?!

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Vengeance. Spared the mother so she lives to bury them all.


To me they seem all to be a family of weirdos.

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It’s in the Irish Times article linked above. The guards arrived and formed a cordon etc. Didn’t burst in immediately as they weren’t sure if anyone else was being held hostage and so on. Air Support Unit and Emergency Support Unit arrived. After 5 hours of some specially trained negotiator asking…anyone in there lads?..they burst into the house and only found the murdered son. The other two had made their way up to a field and shot themselves pretty much straight after killing him, while sparing the mother on their way.

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That’s the cruelest of all


I don’t think there was any intention for any of the three to be alive beyond that morning.


It is reported one of them said to her “I hope you think the land is worth it now”

Before taking her phone and smashing it so she couldn’t ring anyone, ensuring she had to struggle in the dark in her nightdress to a neighbouring farm. 2 weeks after major surgery and only given weeks to live.

Jesus Christ


You’re not the first and you won’t be the last… It’s an art form he’s perfected.

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Lads, pointless exercise here.

No one will ever know the true storyline here, no one.


The mother might have an idea

It will go with her to the grave you can be sure.

The priest will get it.

I have heard a few say the oldest son wasnt the fathers. Would kinda explain how the other two stuck together

I dunno but he was the fucking spit of him!


It’s the kind of story that is so fucked up that you would hardly see an American true crime drama on Netflix with as many sordid or incomprehensible details. 1 of them going rogue is one thing but for both to even broach the subject of a joint effort in murdering the brother in his bed at 6.30 in the morning, then having a joint suicide pact where they would spare the mother to let her live with the consequences is grotesque. The scenes then with the joint funeral are bizarre.


Probably nothing to it but thought it was little odd that the son shot in his bedroom had his funeral in a different place and church to the other son and father

Out of everything involved that’s one of the least odd things, it makes sense to me to have the son murdered by his brother and father to be buried in a separate church and have a funeral in a different church.