Cork weirdo/sicko thread

True enough

Are you suggesting the mother is the one who knocks?

Fucks sake

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Fucks sake


How could the mother make the decision on who would get the farm? Would the husband not have some legal right over this? I know it was her families land but as a legal partner he surely had some say in it?

Artfoley belittled me for asking the same but then it turned out he was wrong

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That wouldn’t be the first time

Nice words from Mark’s best friend at funeral. Said he was so kind, they’d hear the other laughing from the other room at texts they sent each other, met first year UL. Mark would always have food going back to college on Sunday evening. Your man would go in to his room for the chats and Mark would throw him some chocolate before he sat down. That they were different - Mark was sensible and this guy was out there. They did Erasmus in Athens together. He was more of a soulmate then a best friend and was so welcoming to this fellas now husband.

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A soul mate?

Which fella was Mark?



Far from it.Those two knew exactly what they were up too.
Fuckn yokels freaking out over the auld ones wishes.
Toxic rural Ireland.

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I can understand why one son would want to kill the other over inheritance but why the father would want to kill one of his sons over it is much harder to understand. It’s not an obvious motive for the father.

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You’ve a big issue with thinking too much.

How the fuck can you understand a brother killing his brother over a few acres of grass?
Get a grip of yourself boy

The Border Bull and The Hereford nearly killed each other over some bacon at breakfast a few year’s back.

Siblings be kray kray.


I’d imagine fratricide is alot more common than filicide in cases of this nature.

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The hates not worth it boy , I’d similar relations with a brother for years until our sister and brothers started dying off , now we have a yarn for a few hours each week, and I’m talking seriously heavy hate , bating each other, threatening inc weapons,be the bigger person and keep offering the hand of peace it’ll eventually stop

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Don’t kill your sister.