Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I keep hearing “what difference does it make to you, etc”. Personally, it has little effect on me. But for broader society, in the medium-long term, gender abnormalities threaten to undermine basic facets of society - that there are men, and then there are women.

The emergence of disorders such as “transgenderism” and “non binary” threaten the very fundamental role of women in society. Situations where biological men try to infiltrate women’s sport, and even more perverse scenarios where the same men try to rationalise being in women’s toilets and locker rooms.

This rubbish has to be fought head-on and in a most uncompromising manner. For common sense and normality to prevail, wokism and all its twisted perverse “logic” has to be eradicated. We should make no apologies for doing so.


If you were replying to the same post say 50 years ago you’d have said there’s no such thing as gay, women should only be with men etc etc. We move on. People have an understanding of homosexuality as it’s more open and the understanding is there. The same will eventually happen around non-binary.


It’ll take a while. You’ve lads here who think that trans and non-binary are the same thing :man_shrugging:


Giggsy is in cork I see , the only deviants to have him

They love their toe suckers in cork

Says a lot when the fella who sucks his daughter’s toes isn’t the biggest deviant on stage. That’s before you even get to the audience


You’d want to be some creep to pay to see Giggs surely tell lies.

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I thought Joe was talking about himself there coming back from Electric Picnic

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Few observations of carkness this week. 2 lads busking on Oliver plunkett street on sunday with electric guitars had a cardboard poster saying money 4 weeds. I admire their honesty.

Aggressive begger on grand parade sitting outside english Market roaring spare change sorry thanks. A local, at least the dubs god bless you.

Some bad shit going on up in the Northside.

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I got the full story and it’s not pretty ages ago
From ppl v close to it
It’s fuckin shocking if there’s even a smidgen of truth in it

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I heard the story from someone directly connected to the accident…not a nice story

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He’s not the guy who ordered it though

Looks a right fecker