Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

A lot done, more to do. You might be let out of your house in June

I was thinking about the upcoming revolution. No one shall touch a hair on glasā€™s head, etc

Thereā€™s a revolution coming? Whoā€™s leading it?

What time is it due to be televised?

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Is it happening within 5km of me?

Went on a tangent on another tread

If you havenā€™t received your instructions by now youā€™ve been deemed unsafe

Story of my life. Wake me up when September ends.

The stupidity of people regarding covid is unreal. We had a few visitors over tonight, one expert claimed 4% of the population would have died if we let it run. I did a few sums for him and suggested the very max was 1%.
He refused to admit he was wrong.

The same fella wants to open it up in the summer. People are very stupid.

Thank god for academics and fellow experts on the TFK.



I couldnā€™t commit to 14 minutes, is there anything in that on the end game, reopening?

I actually watched that. The excitable mouse operator was annoying me but what I took from it:

  • From March 5th schools and construction should be back. We might be allowed to meet outside.
  • To get out of Level 5 (he didnā€™t actually say that but itā€™s my interpretation) we need cases below 100 a day and significant progress in the vaccine roll out.
  • He had Sputnik V on the list of jabs.

Whatever delays are happening now, we are going to be absolutely swimming in vaccine supply by summer when the next few get approved and production of rakes of different ones is powering ahead. Itā€™ll all be down to how fast we can line people up and lash it into them.

Yes. If weā€™re not at last summerā€™s restrictions by the weekend after the June bank holiday it will be a massive failure.

May bank holiday.

Is the Oxford Astra Zenica vaccine not-for-profit?

Iā€™m not sure 100 cases a day is a realistic parameter. Thatā€™s an incidence rate of 15 per 100,000. Germany are targeting 35 per 100,000 for exiting their lockdown. Its all the more unrealistic when schools go back along with construction. I dont like using SAGE for reference but they estimate it adds 0.5 to reproductive number. Our only hope is serious diminishing returns with regards to case numbers. We have carried out 3.3m tests. That is on average 7 tests for every 10 people in this country. However some people have obviously gone for more than 1 test. Hopefully with a large cohort of people vaccinated by end of April testing will slow down. April is typically the end of our normal flu season so there will be far less GP referrals and vaccinations will start to offset those testing numbers too along with natural immunity in the population now.


At a minimum.

But but but the vaccine doesnā€™t prevent cases just people getting sick from it? Doesnā€™t matter if weā€™ve 6m cases as long as people donā€™t die from it?