Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

So if all of the vulnerable people are vaccinated the cases are somewhat irrelevant.

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Whst sums did you do?

its actually hilarious what is going on in Ireland and the messaging from the state media organs, latest message: stay at home wanking

Sure why do you want to meet a real person?

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Lovense are making a killing

Maximum of 1% mortality so far. If we let it loose it would not be much more.

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The UK will have their top four vulnerable groups all vaccinated or offered a vaccine by the end of the weekend. They are appealing on Sky News for stragglers who havenā€™t been vaccinated to make contact.

Over 65s will be vaccinated from next week on.

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Theyā€™re only half doing it though.

Should be fully vaccinated by around mid April though with loads of other goupings administered the first dose.

You must have done honours maths

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The brits have only giving out first doses. I hope they fly through it, puts our lot under pressure.

The second dose is only a cod.

In what way? Europe dictates how much we get and when we get it. You know what a shit show Ursula and her mob have made of this. Dont hold your breath

Im after flipping again, by June i think things will be way better.

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Are we still in a transition week?

Transition year, but with no school, no trips abroad or extra curricular activities ASTI are still looking for extra money for their members to oversee this and do fuck all

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They are up to 15 million now which is sixty times our total of 250,000.

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Unfair to compare numbers when weā€™ve just had a transition week.


When are they having their one?

Fair point, Iā€™ll wait until next week so. Iā€™d say the UK will be even further ahead by then. :thinking:


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