Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The tour is not bigger than this

I think we all need to follow the lead of New York and make mask wearing in public compulsory. The data from Asian countries where mask wearing was common since the beginning of the outbreak compared to western Europe and the US is very compelling.

Public health is slightly more important, might save the lives of some cyclists too in that they won’t have to hang upside down from a door at 3am to stop their blood turning to sludge.


Compulsory masks here from today

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Yeah I know. Just saying

Anybody know what the position of right-wing nut jobs is on wet markets now?

Right wing nut jobs hate health and safety - “bonfire of regulations” and all that. The natural position of right-wing nut jobs on wet markets is to be in favour of them, to defend them.

Suddenly when the virus appeared they discovered a new found love of health and safety and regulations, amazing that.

But for argument’s sake, if the virus escaped from a lab, wouldn’t that mean the wet markets of Wuhan have been unfairly vilified?

Is it back to “bonfire of regulations” and “fuck health and safety” now or wha?

So a win win then

My reading of the data today, which appears to have come from a few different sources, is that this virus would have taken the lives of around 12,000 people in Ireland by the start of May this year, had radical measures not been taken. And God knows how many afterwards.

That is the nature of the COVID-19 beast. We, as human beings, are really nothing in the overall scheme of things.

A fucking scotch adviser telling the french what to do ??

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A spark in the eternal flame

Given the suggestions on the R of it, I’d have thought most of the population would have had it by then. That’s .03 or so of the population dead, which would seem low given the initial estimates we heard (85k) but would tally with it being a couple of times more deadly than the flu and more infectious.

I wonder does that estimate take into account people taking their own steps to mitigate it.

Dangerous bastards who still think they’re above reproach.


@Turenne says ating dawgs in fine with a long time already.

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And horse racing continued in Ireland afterwards behind closed doors when every other sport had completely stopped.

What’s that about?!!


Golf was still going to be fair (not a sport) although horse racing went on longer than golf where you’re out in 100s of acres of space. Square that circle

Guns don’t kill people, the horsey set do…


Cc @Batigol

I’ve heard rumours about people coming from Bulgaria/Romania for fruit picking, but as far as I know that’s not true

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Sure the Chinese wear masks on their best days