Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The cynic in me, and I hate to be cynical, fears that the government/HSE are going to try to mask the failure to implement a proper t&t regime and instead cite public non-compliance with measures as justification for extending the lockdown again. So poor Breda, Maura and Nuala will be scapegoated.

Clear case of covid. Youre likely riddled now too. Sorry pal, you’re a goner

All they have to do now is never let anybody in or out of their country ever again and they are sorted :ok_hand:


Do you think I’ll be able to start burning rubbish again next week?

Yeah they’ll have to tread a fine line now between covering over their incompetence and not pissing off the public by telling them they haven’t done a good enough job.

I don’t think it really matters what they announce this weekend anyway, lockdown is over from what I saw this weekend in the flats in the Ringer and on Pigeon House Road.

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A simple quarantine of arrivals would suffice until a vaccine is found.

It seems so. Labour leader Alan Kelly is all over this. What a guy.

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Happy days. Any timeline on that vaccine yet?

Light em if you got em.

Isn’t it incredible that an organisation that has been a shambles since inception has suddenly transformed into an ultra slick, well managed virus fighting machine.


looks like the mood is turning on the Government

Time for a speech from Leo where he quotes from A Streetcar Name Desire to inspire us


Maybe another patronising tweet from Simon Harris is called for?


NZ have shown that it is possible to cope without a vaccine. An island nation with a population of around 4 or 5 million and just 19 deaths. I could be way off the mark but it seems to have been a very successful approach from them. I just need to find a similar country to compare with. Will get back to you when I find one.

On the edge of the world [quote=“TreatyStones, post:2413, topic:30948, full:true”]

Isn’t it incredible that an organisation that has been a shambles since inception has suddenly transformed into an ultra slick, well managed virus fighting machine.

Ssssh its only been a shambles since this virus came along…

Lots of passive aggressive posting this afternoon. It’s fascinating to watch lads unravel because of uncertainty.

Can’t believe our policy of Government Ministers tweeting about the Easter Bunny hasn’t succeeded in reducing the death rate.


Do you think NZ’s location at the arse end of the world and not a member state of the area worst affected by this would have anything at all to do with this?


And a long way from Cheltenham.


The Irish have always turned on their heroes.

Hold the line guys.

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And Liverpool