Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The world was a different place then .

If you’re afraid of every flat surface your life would be barely worth living.
People simply have to accept that

  1. Despite what the glossys and Facebook would have them believe, they are actually going to die at some point.
  2. Their risk is marginally increased.
  3. Get the fuck on with it.
    Isolate if you want, but don’t expect society to pay you to do so.
    This virus is not going away. We just need to accept this and move on.
    Stoicism is slowly being suppressed.

@Rocko can I suggest new members have to read this post to get a flavour of the place?


That’s grand for countries who have decent, functioning health systems.

@Bandage’s boy Dr McConkey is coming around to the open it up ta fuck mindset

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It is.

The Boris led Tories are a basket case that did not take the proper measures until it was far, far too late.

Thinly veiled, we need to stop Prof Hoolohans medical dictatorship from Sam.

However, moving forward he said that key decisions about the economy, the costs of recovery and how best to proceed should be made in the Dáil as these tough decisions will require broad cross-party support.

It’s very hard to disagree with anything Sam says.

Prof McConkey said the strongest predictor of any society’s health is its wealth and unless we can get back to work and to individual values as a society we will not have the resources to provide food, water, medicine, houses and “the comfortable things that allow us to have good health”.

He said it is false to pit health against wealth as they are interdependent.

There are questions going forward about wealth and social equity and we must consider how to re-build Ireland in a sustainable way with social and financial equity, he added.

Nice dig at FF/FG.

Sam is a realist but a socialist. I’d follow him into battle. He’s been bang on about this since the start.

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They didn’t have enough anywhere near enough ventilators and desperately needed to buy more.

Much like the Danes and the Swedes, similar ICU capacity at the outside

When are you going to stop lying on here?

Are you going to say that the Swedes, Danes and UK all could not cope with this?

McConkey spot on again.

As ever, he points out that the testing and tracing needs to be incredibly efficient.

But I agreed wholeheartedly with his views on society etc.

He makes me proud to be an enviro-republican.

I’m not lying, you’re just getting increasingly hysterical when people call out the absolute basket case the HSE is and the blame lies at the feet of decades of FF/FG ministers who continued to neglect and run down the public health service in this state rather than try and improve it.

We all know the UK government has been car crash on this, we all know how intransigent the unionists have been through this. So why is the north not so much worse off than the south during this? It’s the demographics of this island, even though the O6 have the worst funded branch of the NHS, it is still a far superior health system to the HSE. With Boris and the Tories in charge that might not last for much longer but you’re continuing to defend the indefensible.

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Is there some sort of Sam McConkey fan club we can join? I’d be proud to declare myself a McConkite


It’s slowly dawning on your Gav Reillys, Horseboxes and Frans that they’ve been bullshitting us for weeks.

Most of these test centres around the country are shut down. I know a lad who knows a lad who knows a lass that works in that De Gascun UCD lab, and she said they’ve been twiddling their thumbs for large parts of the last 6 weeks, even when they were in the media saying how stretched they were, needing to get German support etc.

If I was looking for a suspect I’d start with god, with the chinese a distant second. He’s got previous with plagues, famines, etc…ask the Egyptians, Syrians, Israelites, Nadab and Abihu etc


I’ll ask him when my time comes, for now I just want to try and survive this and enjoy the gift of life he has given me. Whenever he decides my time is up, I won’t quibble.

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You’re an awful aul gossip

We’ve only had 20k cases, people have calmed down a bit and aren’t looking for tests they don’t need.

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