Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Trump is up 2 or 3 hours every night, another hero, you’d swear some of these lads are just in it for the cameras or something

Of course it’s for the cameras. Trump is loving it most days as it’s a chance to do an election ad on free tv. There’s the odd day where he is clearly angry at the world but he generally bounces back the next day. The less he talks and lets others talk the better but try telling that to him. He’s basically a sales guy, who’ll tell you anything to get a sale and will never accept criticism.

I can see primary school parents being very keen on that experimental approach

Can you just imagine the carry on of the baloobas on the first week back?

Whatever happened @balloobasluvsbeer

His love of beer done him in the end

He was a right character.

Thats very big of him. Anyone can make a little gaffe.

Young family at home. Long hours. I believe he has a debilitating illness also. He’s doing tremendously well all things considered. The poor man looks tired. He’d be as well off taking a day off for himself and his family at this stage and letting someone else take the weight for 24 hours. The country will benefit in the long run.


Ah Jaysus, is this what we have fronting our fight against the biggest medical catastrophe to hit the planet in a century. Some lads are impressed by fast talkers in a suit.

What else was he going to do? Double down on it and insist there had been 18 previous Covid viruses.

You’d swear they were fucking dogs ffs

What are you getting at here, mate?

Not sure how many of them are following that at this point, particularly the well 70 somethings.

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He could do what Eoin O’Broin did a couple of days ago and come back with the wrong numbers again.


This Ruth Deadly Edwards schtick is a bit stale now Tim.

I naturally hope my parents stay well but, as of late last week, they’re going out for a daily walk while maintaining social distance. My auld wan had a hip replacement a while back and needs to move around. She had been driven demented walking up and down the garden. Although it amused me that she and the next door neighbour had been going for regular walks “together” up and down their respective gardens, the two of them chatting away despite a 6 foot hedge separating them.


They’ll surely allow fellas get lawnmowers fixed and that sort of thing ?

It was a simple mistake. I put a tin of beans into the microwave this morning. Bloody thing nearly blew up.