Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Eoghan Murphy has been giving out wrong numbers on homelessness for years. Unlike Harris or O Broin he was doing it on purpose

A mistake a spoofer would make.

What schtick is that?

There’s no point in denying that this is a huge and embarassing gaffe, which was acknowledged. I would have liked that on a more important matter from EOB but he bluffed and blustered - even Dessie Ellis has sent an apology of sorts for spreading misinformation.

You confuse spin with actual capabilities.

Claiming you are the oracle on housing but coming out with a NPV of €798m for one house @€8k a year is more than a little error and moreover it is a basic lack of common sense.


You claimed winning three league titles out of five was very poor. We will leave the spoofing to you.

You shoehorned Sinn Fein in to the discussion again. It’s what Ruth Dudley Edwards does. Fire ahead if you want to keep sounding like her.

Did the Sinn Fein guy that claimed 17 people died in a nursing home ever apologise?

From such a dominant position they should have won all 5.

All this ‘simple mistake’ and ‘God love him he must be tired’ shit is ridiculous. He is the Minister for Health in the greatest health crisis the state has ever seen and he has been caught spouting absolute bullshit like a drunken knowall in a pub


Are there lads saying being tired is an excuse for this? :grinning: :grinning:

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Binky it was a slip of the tongue. By hook or by crook they’ve done a good job. Whether they fluked it I’m not sure but we’ve done well. I wouldn’t be so harsh on him.

Minsister harris gets hit very bad from Crohn’s disease as well. People shouldn’t be getting worked up by a little mistake. When was the last time he got a proper nights sleep?

It wasn’t a slip of the tongue. He was spinning and bullshitting as usual and got it spectacularly wrong. God love the poor all divil though. He is tired.

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I think we are all tired tbh. I packed it in last week. Enjoy your day binky :pray:

It’s a point on admitting being wrong, which Harris did.

If you are accusing me of being a deflection shill for Fine Gael, go right ahead. But I have been very critical of them in the last few weeks for failing to communicate a proper roadmap on reopening the country. The communication has been piss poor and they are petrified of making decisions. This is doing a lot of unnecessary damage to the economy as they are not communicating. FG are being guided too much by social media outrage on this.

Frankly, I’m more worried about that on Covid than Harris making this (admittedly) embarrassing gaffe, just as I am about a prospective housing minister having a serious lack of understanding of numbers.

He who doesn’t make mistakes, makes nothing


Lads have little to be complaining about when this is all they can focus on.

Next phase is where it gets tough as SF IRA is will be hurling from the sideline about people dying versus the economy.

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Standby for some serious Simon photo shoots in the next week. Hair a little tossed and a strained, yet defiant expression on his face. Finding a vaccine for 19 different viruses is serious business.

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I’ll never vote for Sinn Fein until they come clean about Shergar. It’s why nobody in rural Ireland votes for them.

A mistake or slip of the tongue would be if he said Covid-18.

Explaining how there have been 18 previous iterations of this virus wasn’t a slip of the tongue. It was said with an air of such certainty that it makes you wonder what else he is waffling and bull shitting about.

He’s a career politician. Never held any other job in the real world. He’s not concerned with what he says, just as long as he says it well and it earns him likes, tweets or shares on social media. He’ll be seething at making such a blatant faux pas but with a neck like a jockeys bollix he’s probably over it already.

Him celebrating like he won the All-Ireland at Dublin Castle after the abortion referendum sums him up. Another photo op victory, he wasn’t bothered about health care for women - he just wanted to be on the winning side and curry favour with bloggers, influencers and social media experts. He’s hip, you know.