Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Front pages this morning. Not one mention of this. Imagine if Borris Johnson made that mistake. Tells you all you need to know.

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I have some empathy for the guy but he has lost credibility on this one, it’s not the time for confident spoofery.

If it had been Louise O’Reilly or Danny Healy Rae they would have been savaged and ridiculed, with the accompanying clip widely played on mainstream media platforms.

I’ll say a prayer for Simon later during my meditation.

It should be front page news? Maybe this is some kind of Concannonbot-conspiracy :thinking:

Journalism as a profession is disgraced, filled with shills and brazen halfwits.

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FG army of spin doctors must be costing the state an arm and a leg during this.

Harris strikes me as the type of guy who would be a journo if he did not enter politics. Dumb as a mule but brazen enough to not let that perturb him.

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The Healy Raes are often front page news for outlandish comments about drink driving and global warming. The above is an example. Its surprising that the health minister did not know the derivation of the name of the disease that is sweeping across the world right now. I thought it would be newsworthy.

It doesn’t fill you with confidence that he knows what he is doing and his latest actions and row back is just a face saving exercise. This will preoccupy his thoughts for the next fews days. I guess the only solace we can take from it all is that it is now clear that the health experts are the defacto ministers for health by committee.

If the Healy-Raes make the front page for saying something outlandish it doesn’t really bother me either, you get slow news days. Isn’t it generally accepted that the health experts have been calling the shots anyhow?

You’d expect the Minister for Health to have a basic grasp of the biggest pandemic to hit the planet in 100 years.

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Yeah, he was waffling like you’d expect but it wasn’t like he was dispensing life or death advice

Harris has this sincere apology schtick down to a tee.
Simon sincerely apologised to the women effected by the Cervical check scandal . He then apologised to them again when the Scally Report into the scandal was leaked to the media before the victims and their families were briefed.

He sincerely apologised to the Dail for stating that the Children’s Hospital Budget was “on track”.

Not forgetting he gives an annual apology to families and patients effected by annual trolley crisis.

No wonder these apologies sound sincere with all the practice he gets.


Almost half of all people who have died with coronavirus in Europe were residents in care facilities, the World Health Organisation’s regional director for Europe has said.

Dr Hans Kluge told a press conference on Thursday there was a “deeply concerning picture” emerging regarding those in long-term care.

He said: “According to estimates from countries in the European region, up to half of those who have died from Covid-19 were resident in long-term care facilities. This is an unimaginable human tragedy.”

Healthcare in the EU will never be the same again. Universal healthcare including care homes for the elderly has now got to be a priority.

That doesn’t tell us if it was front page news or not. It’s on multiple newssites

What’s the difference?

Is that not what a lot of countries have or is this double talk :thinking:



Some do, some don’t, but I suspect it will become an EU priority and tied into any financial support.

Sure even the smartest kid in the class can make a mistake

I thought I made a mistake once, but it turned out I was mistaken

If this was on a lesser forum, it could easily descend into a tit-for-tat. Unlikely on tfk though

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