Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You’re like a lost puppy yearning after him

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The early return flight was no picnic either. I would return mind you.

It’s very sad. His life is over without Sidney. Amazing Perez is logged in and yet again myboyblue is no where to be found.

Excellent performance by Simon Harris on Prime Time there. :clap::clap::clap:

Take your word for it

performance the operative word here I assume

Leaving cert will start on the 29th of July.

What’ll they do with the first year of college?

Are you speculating here?

They are opening up more college spaces across all courses apparently. But If they are marked and CAO offers are out maybe they can commence first year in October.

No Joe McHugh said it a while ago.

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No international students means more space and opportunities for our own to go to 3rd level

As predicted Ireland will generally follow what other countries will do. August was mentioned but as soon as Germany went ahead with their state exams this week and other countries rolled out theirs we went with the earliest date given guidance issued a couple of weeks ago. Ireland is the kid in class who copies the others homework. That much is clear. I suppose it’s not the worst policy. Hopefully other countries have no teething issues lifting restrictions so we can start living again too.


This also means the championship is still on, albeit prolly straight knock out and behind closed doors

Paddy terrified of Brenda on Facebook calling the gubbermint murderers if they open up and there are a few covid deaths. Yiz only care about money, wheres my free gaff. Murderers.


Varadkar will follow the germans or some other European country. He could never make a big decision. He’s a waffler

Why would you go first when nobody really knows what’s going to happen?

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Being a judge of judges is no bad thing

‘E who dares, wins.