Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

Wouldn’t think so, this is where the envied amateur status of our games will give moral guidance.

Seems to be some dampening of expectations going on from medical experts and politicians today on easing restrictions. Apparently we have a way to go and that countries who are easing restrictions are down to 1 to 2 hundred cases a day. We had almost a 1,000. This is par for the course now. As 5th of May looms we will hear a drip feed of how complacency set in and we need to again batten down the hatches and be more diligent this time.

Delayed tests from nursing homes, how many new cases outside of them is the question.

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Guards have given up on it too

I watched the Truman Show there earlier and I couldn’t help but feel a bit of hope as Truman headed for for the edge of the set on his boat with the bald eagle leading the way, all while Christof was trying to stop him and nearly killed him in the process. We will have our freedom. Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

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I can just see it now “Ye are doing a great job lads, but it needs to be even better. We cannot let it slip now. 3 week extension” If the Irish people having any self respect they won’t stand for it


You’re cracking up mate

It’s gas to see that some lads think that the politicians are running the country and making these decisions

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Hi Gemma


There seems to be more utterances out of the medical experts of late. Really showing how they are all rounders and experts in everything really. Tony Holohan has the AA roadwatch covered and traffic reports along with apple mobile phone movements, McConkey is talking about economic models, potential coalition partners in govt and environmental issues, Nolan is wind milling about everything and anything.

Holohan in particular has spectacularly gasumped Harris and Varadkar in the last 2 days and directly contradicted them. Perhaps theres a bit of right I’ll show these 2 for taking credit for another mans work. Or maybe he knows they are so far out of their depth he knows their fate is in his hands and they are hanging on his every word. It’s really noticeable of late of how Harris and Varadkar are nearly playing 2nd fiddle now. I wouldnt be surprised if there’s tension there with the 2 boys in the back seat saying are we there yet are we there yet…


You’re getting conservative in your auld age

Build a wall.

Apart from John Bruton and Homer Simpson, who else does Dr Tony Holohan look like?

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The politicians are clueless, the more they talk the worse it gets for them. Trump after listening to a lad talking about UV light killing the virus asked if you could get the light inside people to cure them. What, shove a flashlight up your ass?



Small resemblance to Gavin Duffy maybe.


I have aged 20 years in the last 4 weeks


Squirrel Farrell