Coronavirus - Close the Airports

123 in ICU

Restaurants back open on May 18 with social distancing just heard from a reliable source.

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Golf clubs back the weekend before and other non contact sports. Presume horse racing and tennis as well but not sure.

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Five Healthcare workers have died in Ireland.

Thank fuck the LTCs are back

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Pubs in east limerick open the 14th but you’ll have to drink your pint with your left hand. Just heard from a reliable source

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Anyone know if you are entitled to the government payment if you have set up a business recently and are registered without making any real sales as of yet? Is loss of earnings to be proven?

Had to do an essential journey to Waterford tonight. Went through one checkpoint up there at Clonshaugh. I’d say the nod to the face mask and gloves on the back seat is the virus equivalent of the gear bag and Hurley.


If you made a few pretend sales you’d be grand.

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€350 PUP I’d say.

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Its self certified with regards the turnover decline but with risk of audit. On timings, you must have had been on payroll before end of Feb with a PRSI return

If own business that might have been more complicated depending on hiw you paid yourself

Edit…I assumed you were asking about the wage subsidy rather than the dole

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Just odd that a small sole trader could have a new business(so no previous sales to compare to) but cant stock a shop in current climate but will end up getting nearly same money if all their stock sold out… And revenue approve payment :thinking:

Theres a lot wrong with it but it was a rushed scheme introduced to avert full scale panic more than anything else. They will amend it after the 12 weeks no doubt. They might even start looking for some money back from some who got a big jump in their wage packets, I have said as much to a couple of student types I know who this happened to


If they adjust after 12 weeks then fair enough But sure if their rules are loose they can hardly look for money back

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I’m currently being paid using the Wage Subsidy Scheme (Company tops up also). I’m getting a little bit more into the bank than I usually would but have been told by my employer that it’ll be taken back at the end of the scheme.


There are heaps of businesses out there who are in a healthier cash position now than they would have been at peak performance…you can swallow a fair decline in turnover if you dont have rent/rates or bank to pay and the government will pony up most of your wage bill

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I wouldn’t be so sure, Leo has a personal vendetta against people who wern’t born into wealth

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They have kept their options wide open on this…loads of fellas telling me they made a claim for say 2k for a week and got 3k rebate…there will be an onus on businesses to rebalance it all when over

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The WSS element isnt being taxed is why you’re getting bit extra

Certain accountant types I know have been saying the top up scheme may well have a sting in the tail