Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Death and taxes.They’ll both get us all in the end.

Oh I know. My gross is down compared to normal but my deductions are negative.

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Exactly, so #openthefeckin’pubsalready

There’s gonna be some clean up bill for taxpayer when this is over :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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For everyone. Landlords, local authorities, banks, suppliers all trying to get their bills paid. Absolute bonanza for professional services companies…just when the banks were sorted the next gravy train comes along

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There’s actually a grant for a small business to get help from a professional services firm :clap:

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A cool state subsidised 2500 sheets for these guys via SMEs who take it up

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I’d have no problem with reopening the boozers if it’s patrons would have the brains/decency/altruism to stay away from vulnerable peoples upon resumption of swilling ale,shifting,toilet cubicle mass snorting and so forth.
But,alas,you and I both know the vast majority won’t respect that and consequently we will have mayhem on a biblical scale.I could be wrong in my assumption,of course.

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That business must be decimated.

There’s awful shenanigans going on. Certain firms getting foisted on clients and all sorts.

WSS is ultimately taxable in a year end review. If lads getting more into their hands now it’s due to tax refunds. They’re better off to go on week 1 basis and defer refunds to be offset against any tax charge that may arise in Jan 2021.

U wot mate?

One introduced specifically to balance the cost of the top up scheme or in general?

But the advisors have to be on the LEO panel already when I asked about it

Jobs for the boys

Not specifically.

The subsidy isn’t taxable immediately so as to give people cash.

The top up is taxable when paid but for anyone on a subsidy the top is more than likely to be in the lower rate band. Which means lots of people eligible for tax refunds currently but in reality the refund situation is false because if they keep their job and go back to full pay they’ll end up giving it back.

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Spot on.

Where are you operating from? Get your client to push for you to do the work and it should be ok.

Different rules for different LEOs though seemingly.

You’ll be doing the work anyway and not getting paid for it otherwise.

Government agency tried to plant a competitor in with a major client today. Thankfully they were told where to go.

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