Coronavirus - Close the Airports

If every other member state jumped off a cliff should the free state follow?

That’s international diplomacy for you, mate.

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Not when it comes to collecting a €13bn tax bill from a large MNC.


That was my point. They used being a sparsely populated island to their advantage and have reaped the benefits. They issued travel restrictions and advisories and quarantined any arrivals.

Now if they had let any Joe Soap wander in and handed them a leaflet I’m sure there would have been a lot more deaths.

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He’s got you there mate

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Imagine the SF IRA uproar if we closed the NI border.


Will making face masks compulsory be part of any easing of lockdown?

Would seem smallish “price” to pay

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I think they will be our new normal. And an app on your phone to track who you meet.

Hard to drink pints in a mask though. Or ate in a restaurant.

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We needed to introduce those measures in early February time when Covid was still an Asian and cruise ship thing to many. The travel restriction thing in a cod from there, look at when they introduced restrictions.

NZ have done well but it would have reached there pre their normal flu season and they just don’t have population density. It’s other variable factors that are likely helping them.

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@Horsebox personally I haven’t heard of anyone I know first hand to have fallen Ill in a month. In Feb/Mar people were dropping like flies. 2 I work with had it, came back to work and were confirmed, weeks after testing albeit. Got call from contact tracing 4 weeks after bring in contact with confirmed cases. There is still cases in the country, but not in general public imo

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In Ireland we have a workforce of 2.28m. According to latest figures 1.13m are receiving income support at the moment. According to OECD figures 20% of the working population are publicly employed and less than .2m were on the live register at december 2019. Assuming that no public staff have been laid off that means more than half of the total private sector of Ireland ( 1.82m) have are reliant on income support. As each week passes this figure will grow. I would love to know how this magic money forest is sustainable.

Its not

Our government have been too caring and trusting with this … It has been abused left right and centre… I know a lad who has put his wife and daughter onto his company books about a month or so ago. They are now getting this. They wouldn’t have been entitled to dole before he gave them job…but they get this. Leo has been too trusting of Paddy the Pig… We’re fcuked.

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We need to cocoon the elderly and vulnerable and the rest of us need to go out and get it. It’s as simple as that


Does that mean people can’t visit elderly parents or grandparents though?

Yes. But it would be for a short period of time, open up pubs the lot and let us all be infected rapidly. A month would do it.

Yeah I think this is the answer. Slowly get it by keeping on with some measures so everyone doesn’t get it at the same time but eventually over 12 months. Hopefully if they do develop a vaccine in 3 or 4 years that will help to fight it too.