Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’d say there’ll be a lot of infections passed around if the pubs reopen.

Isolation has been tough

They could have a corona festival, where all the young people go in and cough all over each other and live in tents in a field in Laois for a few weeks while it passes through them.
Naturally the coronas would be the headline act


So it’s not just the “career dolers” that are screwing the system. That’ll be a surprise to some.



“Career dolers” are still on 200 notes a week

I’ve heard the “spin” line a lot. Firstly, putting aside the use of the word spin in a pejorative sense - surely a relentless PR campaign was essential for a situation where the trajectory of the virus was dependent on the buy in of the public changing their behaviours.

In order to convince people to shut-down their lives it is surely necessary to convey the importance in doing so and also provide regular updates clarifying and re-motivating. An absence of PR would have a been a disaster for this crisis.


Are you saying there are no minutes or just that you don’t get automatic access to them?

Why aren’t they on the 350?

Timing. Any doley who was on the normal rate before the announcement is not entitled to the extra payment.

You could have just taken the point but you had to come on and defend the indefensible.

So there’s a hierarchy of “career dolers” now, interesting.

I disagree with your point that Spin/PR is of itself a bad or wasteful thing for this particular crisis. I’m sure that it could be done better, I’m sure there have been missteps in comms but having a continuous high-profile PR effort is the correct approach in my view.

Seeing as I defended it it would seem that I also disagree that its indefensible.

They should nearly just let the under 35s get on with it for a few weeks and see what happens.

Then gradually let the older generations back out into the communities on a phased basis. Obviously anyone with underlying health conditions in these age groups would need to cocoon for longer.

I’d say “apprentice dolers” would be a better term

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What if you turn 36 in that timeframe?

None for the hospital overspend fiasco. And none accessible for management of current pandemic. Maybe they are retrospectively cobbeling up something after Alan Kelly called them out on it this morning.

Too messy and hard to control. If theres to be any relaxation, it will be across the board no matter how small it is.

Must be 35 or under on June 1st.

Would have to have been eligible for Harty Cup in 2003.

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The Financial Regulator was the gold standard for minute taking,. Good to see it’s still going strong in the public sector.

Read these sequence of tweets from the bottom up. Sobering.

Is that Mick Channons son?

It’s not.