Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That is scary. cc @horsebox, STFAH.

But but police state :man_shrugging:t2:

But but but reopen the country?!

I am staying at home, mate.

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Patience. Fortitude.

Hold the line

More bad news

I’m fully supporting Leo and Dr Tony, but Harris is starting to bug me a bit


Minister for health can cut his garden in 20 fuckin minutes. Maybe we should be paying them more to attract the best!!!

Tony all but saying we’ll be staying locked up for a while yet

The Micks cannot be trusted. Give them 2km and they’ll take 50.

They’ll keep saying that until Monday. As soon as they say otherwise Coppers will be open.

I won’t be allowing any visitors into my gaff.


another 3 weeks should do it

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Gazza coming up on RTE One now after the break.

Everything is going to happen this week. We were to be testing 15,000 a day this week about 4 weeks ago.