Coronavirus - Close the Airports

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That’s the way it’s looking. Plus he hinted at monitoring other countries that are starting to relax restrictions to see how they get on

and then another 3, these clowns haven’t a notion

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I’ll do another 3 weeks standing on my head.


he’s really getting on my wick lately



Still reckon they’re streets ahead of the idiots in Westminister

It’s encouraging to see a few people on here finally wake up to the shit show leading this country and the response to the crisis. A fucking shambles from top to bottom… I see there’s still an amount of stupid fuck heads posting away tho…when are ye dopes gonna realize there’s no vaccine coming. How long have they had at the common cold? Like I’ve told you for two months now, It’s herd immunity or nothing. As sad as it is, few thousand 80+ year olds with compromised immunities shouldn’t be holding the rest of society to ransom. Dr Holo telling nursing homes to stay open as normal at the start is akin to manslaughter… For an island that had a good head start on many other countries, we’ve had a mare. An absolute disaster. Time now to just accept the reality of the situation and let the virus sweep through the country.


What a superb return to form.

they copy everyone else, what other countries do, they fucked up on the nursing home, Dr Tony the saint, my arse, incompetent idiots, they have blood on their hands


They will extend them to the June bank holiday. Exactly as I predicted. There might be some let up on the 2km radius for exercising. Maybe they’ll be adventurous and extend it to 3.

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They released infected patients back into nursing homes. Playing a blinder.

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those wankers are not capable of making a decision, there will be another 3 weeks in June, and probably more. the shitless cunts will be the last country in the world to ease up restriction

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They’ll drive the country over a cliff in their quest to appear on next seasons dancing with the stars. Tony’s special dance move will be called the lockdown where he keeps the audience in suspense before hoisting the professional dancer with the thick Dublin accent into the air before flopping her on her arse.

They was only ever going to be a slight easing after this weekend. They’ll let construction workers back at it and a few more. That’ll be it

where’s the Indian hiding? he’s an awful snake of a man, hiding behind the CMO

Be great to have the builders back working. A wee extension of the zones coupled with a some widening of the nuclear family visitations and it’ll be off the chain.

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What tangible difference will extending the exercise radius from 2 to 5 km (as an example) have?

Sweet fuck all since people are ignoring the 2km radius anyway

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Well what difference will it supposedly make?

None, as long as people adhere to the social distancing guidelines it could be 2km or 100km.