Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Dr Leo said helping out on the front line was not a publicity stunt and there would be no photo-ops. Concannon (cc @artfoley, @Raylan) would therefore have insisted that there should be no media/photographer fanfare at an appointed time, or indeed Varadkar tweeting pictures of himself in his medical gear. They would have instead decided that the story should seep out organically. Stand outside the building there in your gear and mask and wait to be recognised and photographed by locals and it’ll take off from there. You’ll get the kudos and publicity and it’ll look far more genuine and natural. Fantastic leadership. I look forward to reading about it on LinkedIn tomorrow.


Do you think they should have confiscated everyone’s phone, and maybe terminated them after to be safe?

The world is in serious bother and needs serious politicians, the shinner money tree has been struck by lightning im afraid

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And you think the vaccuous Leo is a serious politician :smile:

He’s the taoiseach we voted for

@Bandage absolutely seething that Leo the Lion is out on the frontline. Meanwhile Mary Lou has mostly barricaded herself behind the gates of her middle class home and her capos Doherty and O’Broin are looking for attention in tv studios and learning 1st year Finance via Twitter, respectively.


Marylou was struck down with COVID19 bud, rather than attempting to score cheap shots out of this crisis, please have some respect for the victims of this horrible affliction

Certainly in comparison to sinn fein he is. Unless you think desicions should be left to shinners like the lad in limerick who doesn’t believe in moon landings or the one in clare who doesn’t believe in paying rent


Ah lovely - it turns out @artfoley and @Bandage are part of the usual suspects crew. Fairly easily triggered too. You’d worry for them

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Holohan out.

I’m done with it anyway. Heading home to Limerick after the weekend. Fuck them

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Take the pain lads

not a clue

They’ve more kites flying this week than some sort of all Ireland kite flying contest


they haven’t a clue what they are at, they are destroying the country

The usual suspects showing signs of cracking

Hold the line

They’re afraid of their shit to make a decision to reopen. Then theyll be found out cos the testing/health system is a sham and all the money to fix it was instead paid to keep lads at home

they should be facing jail over the nursing home fiasco

No I in TEAM

Very important to get the photo opportunities.

Sure that’s the problem these days - every punter with a camera in their phone, waiting for their opportunity…

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