Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Why is he standing around outside doing nothing on his gear?

Photo opportunities.

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I wish they’d just leave Leo alone to tend for his people

To inspire the FG/RIC lads.

Are you not inspired?

@Batigol threatening to drive down the M7, while the leader of the country stands outside a medical facility.

You could not make it up.

@batigol will get as far as Barack Obama plaza and turn back after he realises he should be staying at home.

Hold the line.

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Fortitude. Patience.

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Wait - I thought you and your type were giving out that he was just hiding on the phones.

I know you’re a genuine sort but more cynical posters would suggest you’d find fault no matter what he did


I’m just flying a kite lads.


The lads are getting wound up because SF IRA have nobody qualified to roll out. Same lads found no fault in SF IRA holding public rallies after a General Election when they knew Covid 19 was in the country.

Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightning?

Did this happen?

I have no idea but we’re in a battle for hearts and minds.

Let’s look at the facts

  1. Mary Lou got it. Where?

  2. The counties with the highest infection rate correspond fairly well to SF vote areas (the border counties, Dublin etc)


Wow. I need to update something.

I was regretting posting it in this thread alright

Looks like the only thing triggered here is the standard #concannonbot response


Quite unfair - I’m my own bleedin bot

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This Coronavirus makes government so easy. Every question can be batted away with a mention of it. Lockdown everyone and suddenly you solve the health service, housing, immigration etc in one fell swoop.

It’s post-lockdown, when these lads will have to think for themselves and make actual decisions, that they’ll really get found out for the bluffers they are. And they’ll have no money to do anything. No wonder they want it extended

Leave it to the men in charge boss.

Don’t mind the indo. They’re guessing at this stage.

Leo should stay a doctor and actually help the situation