Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You need to relax a little

Will lawn mower repair places be opened ?

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Varadkar loitering outside aching to be recognised, like a lad that used to be in Eastenders waiting outside The Ivy in London hoping to be photographed by The Sun. Lads then windmilling and absolutely seething when people are having a laugh at him. Tawdry scenes on this thread and the FG/RIC crew at the heart of it again, especially the lads that voted for the mad conservative and unionist fella out in Dublin Rathdown.


Kneel Richmond?


A lot of itches really waiting to be scratched around here today.

Harris, Holohan and Varadkar. The 3 stooges.

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I’ve been complaining about how FG have spent most of their time, resources and effort on PR/spin/optics while you guys have been defending that.

Just wondering if this virus came with a set of instructions on how to kill it

You’ve been complaining about everything. For ever. You have a very negative life outlook.

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This is bad news for the bees @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

The wildflowers have been thriving the past month


I’m very positive and you don’t like people bringing attention to the failures of the establishment. These are extremely well remunerated public servants who are tasked with running the country which they have made a complete and utter mess of since elected to power, they have more interest in PR and optics than doing their job.

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Thankfully there was no press there to photograph Leo, just a shame some stooges cant help themselves take photos with the fancy smartphones.


That’s the way it’s gone these days.

A Doctor helping sick people has driven the SF IRA lads buck ape. It’s fascinating to watch lads break down over this or over middled age women in a park for a walk but they refuse to examine their own conscience.

Unfortunately the lockdown will be extended because of the governments old failings. Low ICU beds, little or no contract tracing and the testing fiasco. It is all on them and not the general public. Leo is probably on Darren Conways twitter feed as we speak seeing if he has done a witty sketch on him. When it comes to the next review and with a June bank holiday looming there will be some other fudge with maybe the 2Km increased to 5Km or 10Km.


Hold the line lads.

Where are the sick people he’s helping? He’s just there to get a few pictures.

By God, he’s cured them all already!!!

The depression is really going to sink in next week as it’s due to piss rain every day from tomorrow onwards.

Kneel Richmond supporters regarding the deaths of hundreds of old people as a “good result”, yet viewing Varadkar standing in a car park as helping sick people.

You literally could not make up some of the mental gymnastics being carried out by the FG/RIC crew these days.