Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Its the same Philip Ryan who wrote this book I believe.

This is what happens when they are more interested in spin doctors than medical ones.

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The rain might be a good thing. Will keep people at home

We had Simon Harris quoting (its the safer option for him) someone recently. I think he said “speed must trump perfection”. It seems that the government are trying to attain the latter which is about as much use as pissing against the wind. There is nothing to be gained by dragging on this much longer. Sooner or later restrictions will need to be lifted and the virus will still be in the community. It started off as isolated imported cases dotted around the country. It will be starting off a much higher base next time with maybe not as quite a reproductive rate due to social distancing. There are people who will say that it has been here much longer than that and first cases were not in February but well before that.

My feeling on it is that they are buying time to see how other countries get on first. If that is the goal they will have to wait 6-8 weeks to get any meaningful data on that. Alternatively they are probably waiting to see societal and behavioural issues in certain areas like restaurants, building sites, schools etc to avoid future pitfalls. Its a truly cowardly way to approach something.


The Blessed Trinity

A lad standing in a car park with more PPE than most Frontline health workers and hoping to be “accidentally” photographed, is hardly what you’d call helping sick people


SF IRA lads are wrestling with their guilty conscience and shame. They had a chance to steer the ship but when push came to shove decided instead to hold public rallies potential infecting thousands. Cavan and Dublin are hotspots after them.

A stain they will wear for a generation.

It’s amazing you recognised him under all that PPE.

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Cavan had a major outbreak due to the desperate state of the HSE.

If they couldn’t address problems that had easily identifiable solutions they were always going to make a hames of this. Learning from other countries mistakes is probably the best we can hope for. It’s just a shame we weren’t a bit more proactive like New Zealand.

SF IRA led Northern Ireland are sabotaging Ireland’s efforts. Northern Ireland has had more cases and deaths relative to population than Republic

The latest, covering data up to last Friday, shows Cavan has an incidence of 753.5 per 100,000 of population compared to Dublin’s 684.6.

The incidence of coronavirus in Co Monaghan is also rising fast, and now stands at 570.2, while neighbouring Co Louth has an incidence of 463.2.

The “Border effect” on case numbers is evident from an map from the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre showing seven of the eight counties with the highest incidence clustered in the north-east of the Republic.

The blueshirts conceding that an 32 county national response is now a priority. United Ireland will be the first item on every responsible persons agenda once this is done and dusted

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Never said he had loads, just more than Frontline staff

Since the start of this crisis I have refrained from offering any criticism of the actions of the Government and senior health officials in this country due to the unprecedented nature of events occurring and the sheer scale of the impact of the crisis across all aspects of our society. But last night, I think that a major issue arose in what has been occurring, and was revealed on The Tonight Show with Matt Cooper.

Dr Nina Byrnes, a GP, appeared alongside Dr Cillian De Gascun, the chair of the Expert Group providing advice to the Government on measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. It’s fair to say that Cillian is to the forefront of the national response to this crisis. Dr Byrnes spoke in general terms for a while and towards the end of her speech she commented that even though she had contracted COVID-19, she had never been subject to a request for contract tracing. This takes even greater significance considering that she is effectively a health care worker.

Straight away the caveats came out with Cillian. ‘I cannot speak to Dr Byrnes individual case’, ‘There may have been issues as we attempted to align all the systems together but we have done work to rectify that’. Crucially he noted that contact tracers who had been employed had to be let go due to a lack of results coming through the back log in the labs . Just think about that - contact tracers being told that their services were no longer required in the middle of a pandemic!!

It is only a feeling at the moment, but given the historical issues with the HSE, and comments as was made last night on the show, I think a reasonable jump may suggest that the whole area has been an absolute joke of a system. Cillian appeared aghast when he considered how , weeks into a lockdown, we still have a huge community transmission. I hope he realised that the answer was staring him straight in the face. I hope.

For the first time in this whole crisis, I felt anger, deflation. Here we the people are, complying with some very harsh measures, and being almost blamed for the poor figures recently as being complacent when there is gross mismanagement of a crucial system, a system which holds the key to overcoming this crisis.

Unless Cillian is really telling the truth and the contact tracing issues have been resolved, we are in for months of more pain.


United Ireland first thing on Dr Ciara Kellys agenda today I see.

The buck passing has begun is earnest. Paul Reid was at it too yesterday. God knows what FFG are shredding behing the scenes.The extra 2 weeks is all about Govt positioning itself to come out the right side of any future tribunal/inquiry/criminal investigation


The Contact tracing or lack of will prove to be our undoing. But how do those contact tracers do their job if there is such a big lag time in between getting tested and proven positive. In a 3 week period before getting results how many phone calls might you have to make. This has been a whole systemic failure from start to finish. There are so many cogs in the wheel broken down its impossible to know where to start. My guess is they are buying more time before they can get a system in place that is robust but there are 2 chances of that happening.

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'‘I was never too bothered before but I now think a united Ireland might be neccessary to save lives’
Dr Ciara Kelly

Dr Kelly is the voice of the nation tbf

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