Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They should have hired one of the contact tracers as a minute taker for their meetings

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Their hands were tied, the Unions threatened a massive demarcation dispute.

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But even the contact tracing system we have, of how much use is it?

If I was diagnosed with Covid, the way I think it works is as follows. I am asked to think back over the previous two weeks and list the people I have had close interaction with. Contact details are provided and the contact tracers contact them and advise them to self isolate.

Now the chances are that I would do that anyway. But crucially what about the people I interact with that I don’t know. The lady beside me along the bar, the guy sitting next to me on the train?

South Korea used mobile phone technology mainly. If I told the State that I was in Mulligans on Poolbeg Street from 7pm to 10pm on a Friday night then all phones in that area during that time are texted automatically advising them of my positive test. If all of them self isolate, and that is done many times, it is clear how progress can be made. But civil liberties are affected which are important too obviously.

I may be doing contact tracing a disservice in this country but I wonder as to the real usefulness of the exercise as it stands.

Northern unionists calling in now demanding a 'New Ireland.
Dr Ciara is the beating heart of the Irish people


If they are calling for a United Ireland they can’t be unionists can they ??

That phone system is coming here or a GDPR compliant version. It’s in Asia because of SARS.

The number of contacts since lockdown has to be minimal. We’re five weeks into the lockdown so there should be little or no community transmission I would have thought.

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This is not about a United Ireland. It is about saving lives and a ‘new’ ‘agreed’ 32 county Republic

Similar feelings to Farmer here in the last couple of days (@Rocko wtf is the story with the reply function?). I fear we will be absolutely fucked over by our health service here and we will spend more weeks in lockdown than is necessary because of that absolute shit show. I know 3 people who have been put on the list for redeployment for contact tracing and none of them have been redeployed yet and I genuinely wouldn’t give any of them the job of wiping their own holes. I suppose we all got carried away with some of the “we’re all in this together” spin in the first few weeks when really we should’ve known this was going to happen. Fucking depressing shit.


AFAIK they only attempt to trace the people you know you were in contact with. They aren’t going to be trying to get everyone you walked past on the road for example.
Though the app would do that.
They are trying to design a new app for reasons only known to themselves

It is inherently flawed and I think it is just a means of some form of containment. You could be chasing your tail forever with it. In your example above the contact tracers would contact the people you cited or knew but the people you interacted with on Poolbeg st they couldn’t contact nor the people they themselves have been in contact with and so the trail goes cold. Other countries like you said have been able to use mobile phone data and bank/credit card data but we simply wont have anything comparable to that. Could you imagine ringing EIR or Three looking for information?

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We haven’t mastered the leap card yet ffs


Scanning the GGA season ticket

Cavan and Monaghan are both serviced primarily by Cavan General Hospital which is a basket case overseen by the HSE.

Years and years of malpractice by FF/FG have created a health service not fit for purpose.

You’re actually factually incorrect on the deaths and cases per population, the O6 is actually faring better than the free state in spite of a basket case Westminister government and intransigent Unionists in Stormont.

Time to get on to your FG spindoctors.

FG are “managing” this crisis by means of spin and deflection rather than handling the medical aspects of it.

I would imagine that such information should be reasonably easy to come by, the automatic texts may be a bit tougher.

The issue is with authority of the State to access information like that on you.

Either way, anything other than that will leave the whole process seriously curtailed. And without it we are fucked frankly.

Decades of mismanagement by FG/FF. A public health sector ran down more and more in order for billionaire groupings and individuals to profit off whether people live or die. You get what you vote for.


Mrs Hunt would usually lean towards believing the establishment line (probably just to annoy me) but even she can’t believe that people are still allowed in to the country and just handed a leaflet while anyone already here has to adhere to movement restrictions. We both agree with the restrictions but if you’re allowing people in without any checks then it sends out the wrong signal. Allowing flights in from Northern Italy, a refusal to issue travel warnings to Cheltenham/Anfield etc has likely cost hundreds of lives. That horse (excuse the pun) has long since bolted but it was a taster of what was to come.

The worrying thing is there seems to be no joined up thinking. It is all in the hands of a couple of health experts. Someone had an art piece commissioned of Tony with a superman logo on his chest recently. Our leaders are holding out for those levels of appreciation. Maybe our figures are as bad as they look and worse and despite the spin thats why we are heading for more restrictions. I would appreciate if a journalist asked some serious questions on this. Tony was on the late late show a couple of weeks ago and said there will be no surge and that all our numbers were better than could be expected. He was much more solemn and understated yesterday and said he had not made up his mind and if it was at this time he wouldn’t be recommending lifting of any restrictions.

Are NI reporting deaths outside of hospitals? Mrs heard 10 died in one Derry nursing home a couple of weeks ago.

Keep dreaming, the establishment and media are one in the Free State.