Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m going to predict that the fallout from the handling of this will lead to the collapse of the next government and result in another general election within 2 years.

No amount of tweets about the Easter Bunny or pictures of his lawn mower will save Harris. Coupled with the huge overspend on the National Children’s Hospital I’m confident he’ll win a COTY down the line at some stage.


The O6 figures including care homes are slightly less than down South.

21 deaths per 100k up north, 22 deaths per 100k down south.

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This is obvious. But it’ll be spun that people who went to Salthill on a sunny day with their families are causing the problem.

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Id have no problem with this. there is a version being rolled out here we are told. But the kickback around the impact on civil liberties when the government brought in legislation to stop people travelling during the lock down was huge…a lot of sensible posters here went doo lally over it for example. Hard to see there wouldnt be an even bigger heave against this app

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Fair point.

I also would have absolutely no problem with my phone information being used - but explicitly for Covid management reasons.

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They won’t give a fuck by that time Michael Martin will have got his chance as Taoiseach so he can sail off into the sunset happy in the knowledge that he won’t be first Fianna Fail leader not to be Taoiseach, even though he may be the last.

I expect Varadakar will not run again and will be also be happy to join Martin in sailing off into the sunset with a couple of big fat pensions secured under each arm and a cushy number on some board or think tank. The only one who may still be around is Harris and that’s because he is too stupid to realise that he has been set up and genuinely thinks he will be Taoiseach in a few years time.

There needs come a point where the demands of the health officials, who’s only priority is health, are balanced with the demands of the country as a whole.

If you keep defering the medical experts they will ask for everything they can to ensure their own standing is protected. There will need to come a time in the next couple of weeks where the Government say “Ok. you’ve had free reign for 7 weeks, now we need to start bringing the economy back to life and you need to deal with that”.


They have already come to that conclusion in NZ. They have effectively eliminated the virus for now but the country will be completely fucked by the end of the year as it stands. Tourist tap completely turned off

The tourism industry is goosed for the next two years, globally.

How long is tourism sustainable anyway, especially long haul flights to places like nz. They are resilient and self sufficient though, they can grow make and repair pretty much everything they need, and are experts at controlling the introduction of harmful species etc. I also didn’t see any rock the boat videos from rotorua

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Dublin is struggling. Not a single tourist to overcharge at the moment

Every where is getting sick of lockdown… Spanish have gone from clapping the nurses to arranging to bang the pots and pans in protest at politicans…

Close the borders.

I think tourism was the only thing keeping rural Ireland going. We had 10m visitors a year. That was phenomenal for a country our size and it was growing every year due to a strong dollar. I dont think we’ll ever see those numbers again.

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We are very heavily reliant on American visitors too who you can fleece and have bags of money. We aren’t competitively priced to attract visitors from a lot of countries.

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You clearly haven’t seen many frontline staff recently then

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There are 400 crossings between the North and the Republic mate.

That would mean lowering wages. Should we all get paid less to benefit tourists?